Format painter

  • Last update:  2022-02-10
  • I. Overview

    1. Version

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    Functional changes

    2. Function introduction

    After adjusting the style of a cell, assign the style to other cells or other templates, so that you can use the format brush to maintain the uniformity of the page.

    II. Setting method

    In the version after 7.0.5, there are two ways to achieve the effect of style assignment. One is to assign styles to other cells through a format painter, which is similar to excel, and the other is to predefine styles, which are described in detail below.

    1. Predefined styles

    Some predefined styles will be listed in cell attributes > styles > predefined styles on the right, select the cell directly, and then click the style to see the implementation effect.

    If you want to set the background of multiple cells to be tilted with blue font, you can click server predefined style to add a new style and set the style to be tilted with blue background font, as shown in the following figure:

    截屏2021-01-26 上午10.46.37.png

    To set a cell to this style, you only need to select from style > predefined style

    2. Format painter

    In 7.0.5 and later versions, you can directly use the format brush to copy styles. As shown in the figure below, select the cells with styles set, click the format brush button 1611630087353535.pngin the toolbar, and then click the cells without styles set.

    As shown in the following template, the C1 cell style has been set. You need to assign the C1 cell style to D2 , select cell C1, click the format painter button on the toolbar, and then click cell D2, as shown in the following figure:

    截屏2021-01-26 上午10.49.04.png

    3. Notes

    1) The format brush only supports the use of a single rectangular area. If you use Ctrl to check multiple areas, a prompt will pop up when you click the format brush button:


    2) Format Painter does not support the formatting of merged cells.

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