Server Dataset

  • Last update:  2021-08-05
  • I. Overview

    1) The ways to use server datasets are the same as normal datasets. The difference is that normal datasets can only be used in the template that defines this dataset while server datasets can be used in all templates in the same report project.

    2) The information of all server datasets is saved in the fine_conf_entity table of FineDB (FineDB is stored in %FR_Home%/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/embed).

    You will learn
    • View, add, modify and delete server dataset

    II. Steps

    1. View

    1) Click Server.

    2) Click Server Dataset.

    3) Click user-information.

    2. Add

    1) Click +.

    2) Select DB Query.

    3) Enter SQL statement:

    SELECT *FROMProduct

    4) Preview.

    For designer and server with JAR package version after 2021-3-17, when multiple users are connected to the same server for remote design, at the same time, only one user can edit the "Server Dataset". When a user edits this function, other users will see that the function displays "locked" and cannot be edited, as shown in the following figure:

    Click the lock icon, and a pop-up window will display: It has been edited and locked by another user. To prevent data loss, please try again later. 

    As shown below:

    When the user finishes editing, it will no longer be locked, allowing other users to edit.

    3. Modify

    1) Select [report].

    2) Click Insert Row.

    3) Enter the following contents:

    • Primary user: Alice

    • Secondary user: Lisa

    • Third user: Tom

    4) Preview.

    4. Delete

    1) Select [DB Query4].

    2) Click C.png.

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    Cannot be empty
    Problem Description
    Cannot be empty

    Submitted successfully

    Network busy