Teams Integration Example

  • Last update:  2023-12-06
  • Overview


    Report Server Version
    Plugin VersionFunctional Change




    Function Description

    • You can achieve the Teams integration function through the Teams Integration plugin.

    • You can configure and send Teams messages in File Processing of Task Schedule.

    • You can integrate multiple Teams applications.


    1. The report server must be accessible to external networks with addresses starting from https, for example,

    2. The Teams server needs to be accessible to the report server. If the Teams server cannot be accessed by the report server on internal networks, you can configure forward proxies.

    3. Currently, the single sign-on function is only supported on the Teams client.

    Environment Preparation

    Teams Integration Environment Preparation

    You have completed preparation works based on the document Teams Integration Environment Preparation.

    Plugin Downloading

    You can contact our technical support to obtain the plugin.

    For details about how to install the plugin in the designer, see Server Plugin Management.

    Platform Configuration

    App Management

    Report Server

    Server Address (format: https://Domain name:Port number/webroot/decision) must be configured and saved. Problems may occur during sending if no server address is configured.



    1. Use a second-level or higher-level domain name that has passed ICP (Internet Content Provider) recordation. You are advised to use port 80 or 443.

    2. This address will be used to generate platform single sign-on links, template single sign-on links, and result links in App Quick Configuration. Ensure that the domain name and the port number of this address are consistent with the trusted domain name set in the Teams backend webpage authorization and JS-SDK.

    3. The address (format: https://Domain name:Port number/decision or https://Domain name:Port number/decision) needs to be accessible from external networks. Click Save after configuration.

    Creating a Teams App

    Go to Microsoft Azure, choose App registrations > Teams Integration Test > Overview, and find the information shown in the following table. Configure corresponding settings (Teams App Name, App_ID, Tenant ID, and App_Secret) in the decision-making platform based on the above information. After configuration, click Yes. The following table describes configuration items and relevant operations.

    Configuration Item

    Teams App Name

    Custom value

    Teams Integration Test


    Application (client) ID under App registrations > Teams Integration Test on Microsoft Azure



    Directory (tenant) ID under App registrations > Teams Integration Test on Microsoft Azure



    Client secret value under App registrations > Teams Integration Test > Certificates & secrets on Microsoft Azure



    After successful creation, you can modify/delete information and integrate multiple Teams apps.  


    Member Management

    You can choose a user match way based on actual situations.

    User Match Way can be set to Teams Account Match, Manual Match, or Custom Match. The following figure shows the Member Management tab page.


    1. Users uniformly manage all integrated Teams apps.

    2. After switching the match way, you need to click Save to synchronize users.

    3. The match way directly affects the user identity authentication in the message sending of Task Schedule.


    Teams Account Match

    If you select Teams Account Match, the one-for-one match is performed between the Teams account and the user account within the report system.

    Information in Teams Contacts includes Name, Teams Account, Teams Member ID, and Department.


    Manual Match

    If you select Manual Match, the Username column is added. Click the drop-down list and select the corresponding account in the report system for manual match, as shown in the following figure.  


    1. You can deselect any account in the drop-down list.

    2. The manual match way allows you to freely select the report users that match with Teams users, enabling multiple Teams users to match with the same report user.


    Custom Match

    Custom Match matches Teams users corresponding to data columns and report users through the set server datasets. If one Teams user corresponds to multiple report users, the first report user is matched by default.

    Match Setting occurs after Custom Match is selected. Select a dataset, a Teams member ID, and an account for match.  


    App Quick Configuration

    Teams Proxy Jump

    There is no need to set the proxy server address if the report server is configured on an external network.

    You need to configure the proxy server address if the report server is configured on an internal network and not accessible to the Teams server or external networks.

    You do not need to configure the proxy server address under Teams Management > App Quick Configuration if the report server is configured on an internal network, the customer server and external networks are accessible to each other, and the network is normal.

    1. Check whether you can ping and on the report server. If you can ping them successfully, there is no need to configure the proxy server address.

    2. If you cannot ping them successfully, find two proxy servers and configure the Nginx forward proxy for the two proxy servers, which need to be configured with two proxy URLs ( and

    3. The following figure shows platform configuration.


    Enter the two correct proxy server addresses (separated by a semicolon",") in the text box and click Test Connection and Save. A message indicating successful connection is displayed and the addresses are saved.

    Create Teams Links

    Select the corresponding Teams app name when you create a Teams link.

    You can create two Teams links: one for single sign-on to platform directories and the other for single sign-on to templates.

    Single Sign-on to Platform Directories

    Set Teams App Name to Teams Integration Test and Webpage to Decision-Making Platform, click Generate link, and click Copy.


    Single Sign-on to Templates

    Set Teams App Name to Teams Integration Test and Webpage to Single Template, select a template, click Set Default Parameter Value (optional), tick Parse Parameter Value (optional), click Generate link, and click Copy.


    Teams Webhook

    1. Go to Apps in Teams, search for Incoming Webhook, and follow the following steps to create a Webhook.


    2. Add the Webhook to the teams and channels where you want to send Teams messages during creation.


    3. Set the name and click Save.


    4. Wait until a URL for the Webhook is generated after creation. Copy the URL and click Done. The Incoming Webhook has been successfully added to the selected team.


    5. Go to the Teams Management page of the decision-making platform, click the App Quick Configuration tab, click New Webhook, select a Teams app from the drop-down list, and set Webhook Name and Webhook URL (same with the URL copied in the fourth step).

    Click Test Connection and Save after completion.


    6. (Optional) View a test message of the Webhook in the Teams channel if the test connection is successful.


    Integration Steps and Scenarios

    1. Click the + icon on the toolbar and select Website from the pop-up app tab.


    2. Enter the custom tab name and the URL generated in section "Single Sign-on to Platform Directories."


    3. Click the created tab to view the FineReport decision-making system. The single sign-on effect is achieved based on configurations in section "Member Management."


    Attachment List

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