Data Matrix Plugin

  • Last update:  2023-12-15
  • Overview


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    Plugin Version



    Application Scenario

    In the production environment of workshops, the generation and recognition of Data Matrix codes are crucial programs used for efficient tracking and management of product information.

    Workshops can realize the visualization and data analysis of the generation and recognition of Data Matrix codes through the integrated process on the FineReport platform, providing strong support for production management and decision-making.



    1. The plugin does not support the new engine. 

    2. The plugin does not support Condition Attribute-Display

    3. The plugin does not support scheduled management result files. 

    4. The plugin does not support image layout settings. 

    5. The plugin does not support adaptation. 

    6. The plugin does not support text colors. 

    7. The plugin does not support left or right alignment. 

    8. You can adjust the row height of the cell if stacking occurs during preview. 

    9. The plugin does not support emojis in characters. 

    10. More than 1588 (maximum) characters cause an error: "Can't find a symbol arrangement that matches the message. Data codewords: 9023." Long content may cause trouble for you to use mobile phones or barcode scanners to scan Data Matrix codes.

    11. The generation of many images leads to a significant reduction in preview speed, especially when full data is displayed during data entry and data analysis preview. Other barcode plugins also exhibit the same phenomenon.
    12. The plugin does not support leading or trailing spaces. 

    13. The plugin does not support data entry preview on mobile terminals.

    Plugin Introduction

    Plugin Installation

    You can contact our technical support to obtain the plugin.

    For details about how to install plugins in the designer, see Designer Plugin Management.

    For details about how to install plugins on the server, see Server Plugin Management.


    After plugin installation, select a cell and choose Cell Attribute > Display > ZXing Barcode on the right attribute panel. You can configure the attributes of the Data Matrix code.


    You can set the Resolution (ranging from 1 to 6; default value: 2) of Data Matrix codes. Resolution represents the number of pixels occupied by a data point. Larger resolution means a larger generated image which is easier to be scanned.

    You can also choose Condition Attribute > Add Condition, click the + icon on the Condition Attribute 1 setting page, select Display, select Other Displays, click Edit, select ZXing Barcode on the Display setting page, and configure the attributes.


    Theoretically, all characters supporting UTF-8 encoding can generate Data Matrix codes.

    Effect Display

    On PC

    Click Pagination Preview. The preview effect is shown in section "Application Scenario."

    On Mobile Terminals

    Data Matrix codes can be displayed on mobile terminals.Theoretically, all characters supporting UTF-8 encoding can generate Data Matrix codes.



    Attachment List

    Theme: Designer and Upgrade
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