Other Components

"Other Components" Doc in this DirectoryThere are 4 docs under this directory.Create a Doc in this Directory
Tab Component
Author:April陶      Create Time:10-22 17:04      Tag:      Edit:16 Times    |   View:318 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Version SupportFineBIJARAppHTML5 PluginFeature Update5.1.82020-12-0410.4.97V10.4.[Full Text:]

Web Component
Author:doreen0813      Create Time:06-26 19:36      Tag:      Edit:14 Times    |   View:275 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Version SupportFineBIAppHTML PluginFeature Update2020-08-0410.4.90V10.4[Full Text:]

Image Component
Author:doreen0813      Create Time:06-26 19:32      Tag:      Edit:27 Times    |   View:305 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 ApplicationWhen users need to use pictures in the dashboard, they can use the image co[Full Text:]

Text Component
Author:doreen0813      Create Time:06-26 19:30      Tag:      Edit:31 Times    |   View:295 Times

Summary:1. Overview1.1 Version SupportFineBIjarHTML5 PluginFeature Update5.1---5.1.92021.01.06-Support hyperl[Full Text:]