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Calendar heatmap

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenario

    A calendar heatmap is a chronological chart that combines both heatmap and calendar. It is a bivariate chart, consisting of a time variable and another variable, in the form of a chart consisting of clusters of small color blocks in an ordered and compact calendar format, each block representing the time variable (a day) and the block color representing the other variable, each block being color-coded according to the value of the other variable. Where the type of the other variable can be either fixed class/ordered data or fixed ratio/distance data.

    Common effects are shown in the following figure.


    1.2 Basic requirements

    Basic requirements for Calendar heatmap.

    1)Dimension field >= 1 and must be in full date format.

    2)The date data must be consecutive, otherwise, the calendar heatmap will not be in order.

    1.3 Chart Features

    Advantages: an effective combination of heatmap and calendar heatmap, clearly presents the size of the indicators that change with the natural calendar.

    Disadvantages: Only suitable for showing changes of one or two indicators.

    2. Example

    2.1 Create a component

    2.1.1 Data pre-processing

    1)Click on Data Preparation, click on Add Table, and select the self-service data set as shown below.

    image (1).png

    2)Add thermal_power_generation under Demo Data, select all fields, take the table name test_for_calendar_heatmap, and click Save, as shown below.

    image (2).png

    3)Click New column, fill in the column name for WEEK, field type select text, enter the formula WEEK (), to the function brackets click into the time field year, month and day, into WEEK (year-month-day), click OK, as shown in the figure below.

    image (3).png

    4)Click New column, fill in the column name for weekday, field type select text, enter the formula WEEKDAY (), to the function brackets click into the time field year, month and day, into WEEKDAY (year-month-day), click OK, as shown in the figure below.

    image (4).png

    5)Click New column, fill in the column name for the month, field type select text, enter the formula MONTH (), to the function brackets click into the time field year, month and day, into MONTH (year-month-day), click OK, as shown in the figure below.

    image (5).png

    6)Click New column, fill in the column name for the year, field type select text, enter the formula YEAR (), to the function brackets click into the time field year-month-day, into: YEAR (year-month-day), click OK, as shown in the figure below.

    image (6).png

    7)Click New column, fill in the column name for the day, enter the formula DAY (), to the function brackets click into the time field year-month-day, into DAY (year-month-day), click OK, as shown below.

    image (7).png

    8)Click Save to finish editing the dataset. The following figure shows.

    image (8).png

    2.1.2 Create a chart

    1)Click on the Dashboard Tab, select New Dashboard, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    image (9).png

    2)Click Add component, select test_for_calendar_heatmap under My self-service dataset, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    image (10).png

    3)Drag the fields under the area dimension to be analyzed year, month, and week into the horizontal axis, and weekday into the vertical axis, as shown in the figure below.

    image (11).png

    4)Click on the Chart Class drop-down box in Graphic Properties and select rectangular block, as shown in the following figure.

    image (12).png

    5)Click on the component style and select the adaptive display as the overall adaptation, as shown in the following figure.

    image (13).png

    6)Drag the FDL_DR under the indicator of the area to be analyzed into the color and the day into the label, as shown below.

    image (14).png

    2.2 Graphic Properties Settings

    Click on the color bar and select the gradient scheme as Future, as shown below.

    image (15).png

    See Graphic Properties-Color for more information.

    You can also set labels, hints, granularity, etc. See Graphic Properties for details.

    2.3 Component Style Settings

    Select the component style and uncheck the legend display, as shown in the following figure.

    You can also set the legend, grid line, background, adaptive display, etc. of the component, see: chart component style for details

    image (16).png

    2.4 Analysis area field settings

    2.4.1 Dimension field-axis label setting

    Click on the Week field drop-down box, select Set Category Axis, deselect the Show Axis tab in the settings, and click OK, as shown below.

    You can also set the gridline of the component, background, adaptive display, etc. See chart component style for details.

    2.4.2 Indicator field-axis title setting

    Click on the weekday field drop-down box, select Set Category Axis, deselect Show Axis Title in the settings, and click OK, as shown below.

    At the same time, you can set the chart summary method, chart quick calculation, chart value format, chart special display, chart set analysis line, etc.

    2.5 Effect view

    2.5.1 PC side

    Select the corresponding dashboard and click Preview, chart as shown below.

    image (21).png

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