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Calculate the proportion in the group--Dimension

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1 Overview

    When users are calculating proportions, there are often no numerical fields that can be directly analyzed. It is necessary to count the number of occurrences of a certain text/date field and analyze its proportion in different categories.

    Note: If you want to calculate the proportion of numeric fields in different categories, please refer to the document: Calculate the proportion in the group--indicator

    1.1 Expected effect

    For example, we want to calculate the ratio of the number of self-owned stores selling female brands to the total number of self-owned store. Results as shown below:


    1.2 Implementation ideas

    Copy two "Store name" and turn them into indicators and automatically display the number of store names after de-counting.

    Perform detail filtering to calculate the " Number of self-owned stores selling female brands" and "Number of self-owned stores";

    Add "calculation indicator" to calculate its proportion.

    Note: Of course, you can also use the  number of records to set the deduplication count condition to  calculate the number of stores and then filter.

    2. Operation steps

    Sample data: "Retail industry>Store sales data statistics"

    2.1 Create a new dashboard

    Click "Dashboard> New Dashboard", enter the name of the dashboard and click "OK". As shown below:


    2.2 Add components

    Click "Add component" on the dashboard editing interface to enter the component editing interface, as shown in the figure below:


    2) Use the "Store sales data statistics" table and click "OK". As shown below:


    2.3 Copy fields

    The "Store name" needs to be copied and converted into indicator to obtain two deduplication statistics "Number of stores".

    Click "Storen name>Dropdown> Copy" to copy the dimension field. Then "Shop name 1" and "Shop name 2" are obtained, as shown in the following figure:


    2.4 Convert dimension to indicator

    Click " Dropdown>Convert to indicator" for "Store Name 1" and "Store Name 2" to obtain two de-duplicated count indicators of stores. As shown below:


    2.5 Set up detail filtering

    Click " Store name 1>Dropdown> Rename", rename "Store name 1" to "Number of self-owned stores". Then rename "Store Name 2" to "Number of self-owned stores selling female brands" and the steps are the same as above . As shown below:


    2.5.1 Add a detail filtering condition of "Number of self-owned stores"

    1) Select the indicator, click " Dropdown> Detail Filtering", as shown in the figure below:


    2) Click "Add Condition> Please Select Field> Shop nature" and the shop nature "in" and "Own shop". Click "OK" to save the editing conditions. As shown below:


    3) After successfully adding the conditions, click "OK" and the effect is shown in the figure below:


    2.5.2 Add a detail filtering condition of "Number of self-owned stores selling female brands"

    1) The steps are the same as above. Add detail filtering conditions, click "Add Condition> Please Select Field> Shop nature", select the shop nature "in" "Own shop". Repeat the steps, select the "Category description" field, and click all female brand fields. Click "OK". As shown below:


    2) After adding conditions, click "OK" again to save the edited conditions. Results as shown below:


    2.6 Add calculation indicator

    Use the detail filtering indicators of "Number of self-owned stores selling female brands" and "Number of self-owned stores" to calculate proportions.

    1) Click "+" to add calculation indicator, as shown in the figure below:


    2) Add formula: Number of self-owned stores selling female brands / Number of self-owned stores. Calculate the proportion indication and name it "The ratio of the number of self-owned stores selling female brands". As shown below:


    2.7 Add group table

    Click "group table", add the field to be analyzed in the dimension indicator column and click "Enter the dashboard" to complete the dashboard creation. As shown below:


    2.8 Effect view

    Please refer to section 1.1 of this article for details of the effect display.

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