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Custom map drilling

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Expected effect

    Sometimes users need to customize the region by themselves, and then realize the drill. The company regards "Jiangsu Zhejiang region" and "Yunnan Guizhou region" as two major operating points, hoping to check the sales of each region through drilling, as shown in the following figure:

    1.2 Implementation ideas

    1) Map setting: complete map customization.

    2) Set up drill.

    2. Operation steps

    2.1 Create a new map directory

    To implement a custom map, you first need to build your own directory. The final directory to be built in this example is shown in the following figure:


    2.1.1 Draw the Project operation map

    1) Enter "Manage > Map Configuration > Geographic Information", create a new directory under the "world" directory, and name it "Project operation map", as shown in the figure below:


    2) Click "Polygon", find Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province on the "Project operation map", draw the map and set the area name to "Yunnan Guizhou region", click "Save". And draw the "Jiangsu Zhejiang region" in the same way, as shown in the figure below:


    2.1.2 Map Yunnan Guizhou region

    Create a "Yunnan Guizhou region" map under the "Project operation map", and the drawing method is the same as 2.1.1.

    The regions are named "Yunnan" and "Guizhou", as shown in the following figure:


    2.1.3 Map Jiangsu Zhejiang region

    Similarly, create a "Jiangsu Zhejiang region" map under the "Project operation map" and name the regions "Zhejiang" and "Jiangsu" respectively. As shown below:


    Both the map and the catalog have been created.

    2.1.4 Map level description

    Corresponding to the geographical information that comes with FineBI, it can be seen that the "Project operation map" and "China" are on the same level, and the "Yunnan Guizhou region, Jiangsu and Zhejiang region" and the provinces are on the same level.

    So the level of each customized map is as shown in the figure below:


    2.2 Making a drill-through map component

    2.2.1 Data preparation

    1) Click to download the data used in this example: 

    295.Map sample data.xlsx

    2) Click "Add Table> Excel Dataset", upload the downloaded "Map sample data" to FineBI, as shown in the figure below:


    3) After the upload is successful, click "Create component" to create a component with this table.

    2.2.2 Convert fields into geographic role

    1) From 2.1.4, it can be seen that the "Yunnan Guizhou region, Jiangsu Zhejiang region" are at the province/city/autonomous region level.

    Select the region "Drop down>Geographic role(None)>Province/City/Autonomous Region", as shown in the figure below:


    2) Enter the geographic role matching interface, select the country and region as the "Project operation map", and click "OK", as shown in the figure below:


    3) The "Province" is at the next level of the "Region", and the region is at the "Province/City/Autonomous Region" level.

    Therefore, the "Province" field needs to match the "City" level, as shown in the following figure:


    4) Similarly, select the country and region as the "Project operation map", as shown in the figure below:


    2.2.3 Create a drill directory

    Drag the "Province" field below the "Region" field, and the system will automatically create a drill-down directory "Region, Province", as shown in the figure below:


    2.2.4 Create area map

    1) Select the chart type as "Area Map", drag the dimension field into the horizontal and vertical axis, and drag the drill-down directory "Region, Province" into the fine-grained column, as shown in the following figure:


    2) Drag the "Sales" field into the color bar, and map the size of the sales to the color of the map, as shown in the following figure:


    2.3 Effect view

    Click to enter the dashboard, and the drilling effect is as shown in the figure below:

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