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Mark the specified data in the table

  • Recent Updates: April 26, 2022
  • 1 Overview

    1.1 Version

    FineBI version numberJAR package versionFunction changes
    5.1.92021-01-06Property setting entry changes

    1.2 Expected effect

    The user needs to mark the data in some tables to quickly see the data problems.

    Example 1: Display the top three indicators of Sales_Volume in red, as shown in the figure below:


    Example 2: If the three columns of data are inconsistent, mark them in red, as shown in the figure below:


    1.3 Implementation ideas

    Add the " calculation field " of the judgment standard according to actual needs ;

    Drag it into the "Color" box under "Table Properties" and set the color conditions.

    2 Example 1

    Sample data: "Sales_Volume" under "FRDemo".

    2.1 Add caculation indicator

    Create a dashboard, select the "Sales_Volume" data table, and click "OK", as shown in the figure below:


    Click "+", name the calculation field "Rank", and enter the formula RANK_ANLS(SUM_AGG(Sales_Volume),1,"desc"). Click "OK", as shown in the figure below:


    Note: The functions and fields in the formula box need to be selected by clicking the selection area on the left, and cannot be entered manually.

    Formula description:

    SUM_AGG (Sales_VolumeCalculate the total Sales of different products.
    RANK_ANLS(SUM_AGG(Sales_Volume),1,"desc")The total sales of different products are sorted in descending order within the group.

    2.2 Set table color

    Drag "Product" into the dimension column, "Sales_Volume" into the indicator column, and "Rank" into the color column, and set the range to a value greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 10, and set the "color" to red. As shown below:


    2.3 Effect view

    See section 1.2 of this article for details.

    3 Example 2

    Sample data:

    292.Mark judgment.xlsx

    If you need to upload data to FineBI, please refer to Add Excel data set. 

    3.1 Add a calculated field

    In the "Dashboard" directory, click "Create Dashboard" and then select the uploaded "Mark judgment" data sheet. Click "OK", as shown in the following figure:


    Click "+", name the calculation indicator "Judging whether the three values are consistent", and enter the formula IF (DATA= DATA2, IF (DATA2 =DATA3, 0, 1), 1). Click "OK", as shown in the figure below:


    Formula description: If the calculated field value is 0, then the three numbers are consistent, otherwise the three numbers are inconsistent.

    Note: The functions and fields in the formula box need to be selected by clicking the selection area on the left, and cannot be entered manually.

    3.2 Set table color

    Drag "Classification" into the dimension column, "Data", "Data2", and "Data3" into the indicator column, and "Judging whether the three values are consistent" indicator into the color column. Set the condition: the range is greater than or equal to 1 and set the "color" to red, as shown in the figure below:


    3.3 Effect view

    See section 1.1 of this article for details.

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