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Custom map JSON resources

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenarios

    There are currently two ways to set the map boundary: geographic information and custom pictures.

    Among them, geographic information is the actual geographic map, and the degree of freedom of custom pictures is relatively high, and any picture can be used as the boundary of the map.

    FineBI has built-in some geographic information and custom picture resources, which users can use directly. But if you want to customize these two resources yourself, what should you do?


    1.2 Function introduction

    • For the method of customizing geographic information, please refer to the document: geographic information. The generated JSON file is saved to %FineBI_HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\assets\map\geographic\world.

    • For the method of customizing the picture, please refer to the document: Customize pictures as map boundaries, and the generated JSON file is saved to %FineBI_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\assets\map\image.

    Note: The generated JSON file can be directly copied to other projects for use. After copying, the report project needs to be restarted to take effect.

    2. JSON resources

    Here are some custom JSON resources. The file contains some JSON that comes with FineReport and the JSON that users voluntarily upload. Users who need it can download it directly:


    279.Custom shopping mall.zip

    Mall floor plan


    Floor plan of the 2nd floor of the mall


    Heat Map of Web Area

    279.Taiwan Province.zip

    Taiwan Province Map

    279.Custom picture map.zip

    Counter plan


    World Map & Maps of China's Provinces and Cities

    3. JSON file format

    In addition to the way to make a map on the front end, you can also write it directly in the background. The specific JSON format is as follows:

    3.1 Area map


    Note: If the user writes the map JSON by himself, please pay attention to:  [New] The calculation rule of the map center point.

    3.2 Point map


    4. Matters need attention

    • The built-in China map JSON file comes from official channels and is directly downloaded from the Ministry of Civil Affairs: http://xzqh.mca.gov.cn/map.

    • All the data in the built-in JSON is consistent with the data of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the resources will be updated regularly.

    • When manually adding a JSON file to the project directory, if it is a file under geographic information, you need to write XXX-area.json and XXX-point.json at the same time and place them in the same directory. If it is a file in a custom picture map, just write XXX.json.

    Attachment List

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