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Stacking area diagram

  • Recent Updates: April 26, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application Scenarios

    The area chart can emphasize the change degree of quantity over time, and the stacked area chart can show the relationship between part and the whole on area chart's basis. It is mainly used to emphasize the numerical trend line of a category on the axis of the series.

    For example, it can be used for salesperson to pay attention to the market share of several hot products over time.


    1.2 Requirements for data

    Effect of the chartDimension fieldIndicator field
    BI stacking area chart12

    1.3 Chart features

    Advantages: it can not only emphasize the change degree of the number of several categories over time and attract people's attention to the total value, but also make you understand the relationship between part and whole from the graph.

    Disadvantages: it is not conducive to too many kinds of display, the picture will be crowded, and the color is not easy to distinguish.

    2. Example

    2.1 Add Execl dataset

    Click here to download the sample data:

    319.area chart data.xlsx

    Click "Data Preparation" in FineBI, create an "area chart" package, select "Add table" → "Excel Dataset", upload the excel dataset, and name it as "area chart data", as shown in the following figure:


    The data preview of this Excel is as follows:


    2.2 Create components

    1) Add a new dashboard, as shown in the following figure:


    2) Click "Add component", as shown in the following figure:


    3) Choose the new data set and click "OK", as shown in the following figure:


    2.3 Design the components

    1) Drag the "classification" field into the horizontal axis, drag the field "inventory" and "color" into the vertical axis.


    2) Drag the field "inventory" and "order" to the "inventory(Sum)" field and "order(Sum)" field, set the color of "inventory" as "Deep Sea", and color of "order" as "Future", as shown in the figure below:

    3) To realize the effect of stacking, click "Turn on stacking" for "inventory" and "order" field respectively, as shown in the figure below:

    4) To beautify the chart, click "set the value axis" and choose the blue color. Set the minimum of the "Axis Scale" as -200, and the maximum as 1000. Rename the "title name" as "inventory/order", and set the size of "font style" as "13". As shownin the following figure.


    5) Set the title, enter "BI Stack Area Chart", select the font size as "14", "Bold", and set the color of the font as "Blue", as is shown in the following figure:


    2.4 Set the Category Axis

    1) Set the "classification" field, set the "Category Axis", choose the font size as "12", select the font color as "Blue", and uncheck the "Display axis title name". AS is shown in the figure below:


    3.View the effect

    3.1 PC terminal

    PC (1).png

    3.2 Mobile terminal


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