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Ordinary data drill

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1.Overview

    1.1 version

    FineBI versionJAR package versionFunction changes
    5.1.52020-09-02Optimized drill-down trigger mode: click to drill down directly

    1.2 Application scenarios

    When actually using the dashboard, you will often first grasp the business problem at a macro level through statistical charts, and then drill down step by step through the drill link within a page to locate the specific problem. For example, we use the coordinate axis chart to show the number of customers in each province, click on the data of a specific province and drill down for each city to see the number of customers in each city in that province. This is drilling.

    This article introduces the two scenarios of drilling. The effects are as follows. Refer to section 2 of this article for steps.

    1.2.1 Fixed drilling sequence

    The drill order of the example introduced in this article is "region>first-level channel name>second-level channel name>third-level channel name".

    As shown in the figure below, click "Dongguan City" to view the pageviews of each first-level channel under Dongguan City, and then click "New Media Operation" to see each second-level channel under Dongguan City's new media operation The number of pageviews, and so on.AB77F259-5B0A-47B0-8D6F-F8338DDC7CEC.GIF

    1.2.2 The drilling sequence is not fixed

    If the selected drill order is not fixed, you can select the drilled field at will when you drill down. For example, click "Dongguan City" to drill down to view the pageviews of each second-level or third-level channel name in Dongguan City, as shown in the following figure:


    1.3 Function introduction

    Data drill usually refers to drill down, which is a way to continue to refine a certain grouped data according to the second dimension.

    2. Data Drilling

    2.1 Create a drill directory

    1) Create a new component in the dashboard and select the "Internet Channel Statistics" table, as shown in the figure below:


    2) Select to create a drill directory for the "Area" field. As shown below:

    image (1).png

    3) The name of the drilled directory defaults to "area", click OK. As shown below:

    image (2).png

    2.2 Join the drill directory

    1) For "first-level channel name", select Add Drill Directory>area. As shown below:

    image (3).png

    2) The same operation is performed on the "second-level channel name" and "third-level channel name", and the final drilling directory effect is shown in the following figure:

    image (4).png

    3) The current drilling order is "area>First-level channel name>Second-level channel name>Third-level channel name". The user can adjust the drilling order by dragging and dropping. As shown in the figure below, the drilling order becomes "First-level Channel name>second-level channel name>third-level channel name>area", as shown in the figure below:


    2.3 Create components

    Drag the drill directory "area" and the indicator field "Pageviews" into the analysis area, and select the chart type as "Column Chart", as shown in the following figure:

    image (5).png

    2.4 Set the drill order

    Select "Dropdown>Drilling Order" of the drill field to set the drill order to "Fixed" or "Unfixed". The system defaults to "Fixed". As shown below:

    • Fixed drilling order: it means that the drilling is fixed in the order of the middle field in the drilling directory when drilling;

    • The drilling sequence is not fixed: customize the drill-down field when drilling;

    image (6).png

    2.5 Switch field settings

    Click image (7).png to switch the dimension field. After switching, the user can set the switched dimension field.

    For example, "area", "first-level channel name", "second-level channel name", and "third-level channel name" are sorted in descending order of page views, as shown in the following figure:


    2.6 Effect display

    Refer to section 1.2 of this article.

    3. Dashboard View

    For dashboards with a fixed drilling sequence, see: Ordinary Drilling

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