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Time filter component

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1 Overview

    1.1 version

    FineBI versionFunction changes
    5.1.10Support time filter components "Set as required" and "Set optional interval"

    1.2 Application scenarios

    • The time filter component can filter the date fields of other components. For example, if you select 2014 in the time filter component, you can filter out the data in 2014. As shown below:


    • The default value is set in the production of the filter component, because the component can only display data when the default value is queried. At this time, the default value can be set as required after the default value is set, and the default filter value will still be displayed after clearing, as shown in the following figure:


    Note: If you set the required fields, and then select the login name to pass the default value, the selected items will be cleared, the corresponding filter component will not be inquired, and the query results before clearing will remain, and a hint will be given in red: the required fields cannot be empty.

    • When making the filter component, because the basic data involved in the component has a too long time span, it is worried that the user’s selection of too large a range will cause downtime, and some date queries are meaningless. At this time, you can use the "set optional interval" function to pass The time filter component restricts the user to select the time range.

    For example, "Set optional interval" is 2014-01-01-2014-12-31, when using the filter component, you can only filter the data in this interval, as shown in the following figure:


    1.3 Function introduction

    The time filter component can only filter fields of date type.

    There are seven kinds of time filter components, including "year filter component", "year and month filter component", "year and quarter filter component", "date filter component", "date panel filter component", "date interval filter component", " Year and month interval filter component", as shown in the following figure:


    2. Introduction to filter components

    2.1 Year filter components

    The year filter component filters according to the year. For example, you want to use the year filter component to filter the data, and you want the user to only select the data in 2014 and 2015 for filtering, and set the mandatory default value, which is 2014. The default filter value will still be displayed after clearing it.

    2.1.1 Create year filter component

    1) Drag in the year filter component

    image (1).png

    2) Enter the editing interface of the filter component, bind the field "Contract signing time", and check the "Set optional interval" as 2014-2015, as shown in the figure below:

    image (2).png

    3) Select the default value of 2014, and check "Set as required", as shown in the figure below:

    image (3).png

    2.2.2 Effect view

    It can be seen that in the default state, the filter component filters out the data in 2014 (and the data in 2014 is still displayed after clearing the filter conditions), as shown in the following figure:


    At the same time, the user can only select the data in 2014 and 2015 for filtering. Other times are grayed out and cannot be displayed. Switching to 2015, the "Contract Fact Table" filters out the data in 2015, as shown in the following figure:

    BDE614CF-D445-411D-AC39-108292112F38 (1).GIF

    2.2 Quarterly filter components

    Same as section 2.1.1, drag in the "year and quarter filter component" and bind the field "contract signing time".

    Select the second quarter of 2014, and the "Contract Fact Table" automatically filters out the data from 2014-04 to 2014-06.


    2.3 Year and month filter components

    Drag in the "year and month filter component" and bind the field "contract signing time".

    Select January 2014, the "Contract Fact Table" filtered out the relevant data, as shown in the following figure:

    image (4).png

    2.4 Date filter component

    Drag in the "date filter component" and bind the field "contract signing time".

    The date filter component filters specific dates, as shown in the following figure:

    image (5).png

    2.5 Date panel filter component

    Drag in the "date panel filter component" and bind the field "contract signing time".

    The date panel filter component is presented in the form of a panel, just like the date filter component, it can filter out specific dates. As shown below:

    image (6).png

    2.6 Date range filter component

    Drag in the "date interval filter component" and bind the "contract signing time". The date interval component can filter out the data between two dates, as shown in the following figure:

    image (7).png

    2.7 Year and month interval filter module

    Drag in the "year and month interval filter component" and bind the "contract signing time". The year-month interval filter component can filter out the data between two years and months, as shown in the following figure:

    image (8).png

    3. Current time

    The filter component can filter the current time. For example, when filtering the "date filter component", you can select the current time "today", as shown in the following figure:

    image (9).png

    Date filter component, date panel filter component, date interval filter component can choose "Today";

    The year filter component can choose "this year";

    Year and month filter components, the year and month interval filter components can be selected as "this month";

    The filter component of the year and quarter can be selected as "this quarter".

    Note: If you need a dynamic current time, you need to set it in the dynamic time, refer to Chapter 4 of this article.

    4. Dynamic time

    The user can set the filter value to be a dynamic time relative to the current time, which can change as the date changes.

    4.1 Example

    For example, the current time is June 27, 2021, and you need to filter out the data on the 27th of the previous month, click OK, as shown in the following figure:

    image (14).png

    The date will change dynamically, the current time becomes 2020-09-15, and the data of 2020-08-15 will be filtered out automatically.

    4.2 Other instructions

    4.2.1 Options for different filter components relative to the current time

    Filter componentsRelative to current time optional
    Year filter componentYear
    Yearly and quarterly filter componentsYear, quarter
    Year-Month Filter Module/Year-Month Filter ModuleYear,month
    Date filter component/date interval filter component/date panel filter componentYear, quarter, month, week, day, weekday

    4.2.2 Working day description

    The date filter component/date interval filter component/date panel filter component can filter out the data of a certain working day relative to the current time.

    By default, FineBI regards the date after national holidays are removed as working days.

    Companies can modify the "holiday" file under %FineBI%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\assets\extdata to match their own holidays.

    Open the "holiday" file as a notepad and add or delete holidays, as shown in the figure below:

    image (15).png

    If the user is a version of FineBI before 2021 (5.1.8 and before), you need to download the latest working day file: holiday.rar, unzip it and replace the original under %FineBI%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\assets\extdata "Holiday" file.

    Note 1: When customizing holidays, currently only supports xxxx-xx-xx date format, as shown in the figure above, xxxx/xx/xx format is not supported.

    Note 2: Do not use Excel to modify the holidy file directly, you can use a text editor to modify the holidy file. If you modify the holidy file directly with Excel, it will automatically be in xxxx/xx/xx format after saving, which will cause filtering errors.

    5. Filter hours, minutes and seconds

    The three filter components of "Date", "Date Panel" and "Date Range" can select the display time in the filter component setting interface, and they are not turned on by default. Support setting hour, minute, and second after opening.

    1) Check "Display Time" to open it, as shown in the figure below:

    image (16).png

    2) After the display time is turned on, the filter component is displayed as shown in the figure below, and the specific hours, minutes and seconds can be filtered.

    image (17).png

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