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Overview of filtering component function

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Version

    FineBI versionJARAdded content
    • Filter component title style settings

    • Hide the filtering component title

    • User-defined control range added control range: You can choose whether to control text filtering component, tree filtering component, and value drop-down filtering component

    1.2 Application scenarios

    The filtering component has multiple functions. You can perform a series of operations on the filtering component to achieve different effects and meet user requirements. As shown in the figure below:


    1.3 Function introduction

    The following table describes the basic functions of filtering components:

    Note: Refer to section 9 of this article for other functions of the filter component.

    DescriptionRange of supported filtering components
    Data settingsYou can filter bound fields or unbound fields by setting the filtering conditions of the filtering component

    Binding field filtering: text filter component, tree filtercomponent

    Unbound field filtering: text drop-down component, value drop-down component, date filter component

    Filter sortingFilter fields can be sorted in ascending, descending, or customized orderFilter fields can be sorted in ascending, descending, or customized order
    Custom control rangeUser-defined filter component scopeTime filter component, text filter component, tree filter component, value interval filter component
    Login name passed the default valueDynamically change the data presented based on the user roleText filter component, tree filter component
    Allow overlapSet the filter component to overlap, and realize the free layout in the dashboardAll filter component
    Clear selected dataClears the selected filter criteria in the filter componentTime filter component, text filter component, tree filter component, value interval filter component
    Title settingsSupport to show/hide title and edit titleTime filter component, text filter component, tree filter component, numerical interval filter component, and composite filter component
    CopyCopy the filter component to the current dashboardTime filter component, text filter component, tree filter component, value interval filter component
    DeleteDelete the filter componentTime filter component, text filter component, tree filter component, value interval filter component

    2. Binding field filtering

    After fields are added to the filter component setting interface, you can filter the content of the added fields, for example, the "SHIPMETHOD" field is added, but only "DHL" and "Emery" fields are selected for filtering. You can drop down to select filtering after fields are added to the filter component, as shown in the following figure:

    image (1).png

    Add filter condition, "SHIPMETHOD" field belongs to "DHL" and "Emery", click "OK" to save settings. As shown in the figure below:

    image (2).png

    At this point, you can see that only "DHL" and "Emery" can be selected for this filter component, as shown below:

    image (3).png

    Note: The time and value filtering component does not support the filtering function of this field.

    3. Filter sorting

    3.1 Component drop-down sort

    You can directly set the sort in the drop-down of the filter component, as shown below:

    Note: Custom value lists do not support component drop-down sorting.

    image (4).png

    The text filtering component contents are sorted alphabetically in ascending order. Descending order is similar. As shown in the figure below:

    image (5).png

    3.2 Filter field sort    

    In addition to the drop-down button of the filter component, you can also set the filter field on the filter component settings page, and support custom sorting. As shown in the figure below:

    image (6).png

    3.2.1 Ascending/Descending

    Unlike the sorting set in the component drop-down, the sorting set in the filter field can be selected by the sorting dependent fields. For example, we set the "SHIPMETHOD" in "AMOUNT" ascending order and click "OK" to save. As shown in the figure below:

    image (7).png

    Looking at the data for this text filtering component, you can see that the "SHIPMETHOD" field values are sorted by "AMOUNT". As shown in the figure below:

    image (8).png

    The descending step is the same as the ascending.

    3.2.2 Custom sort

    "Custom sort" is to drag the data and manually set the filtering order, as shown in the following figure:

    image (9).png

    4. Custom control range

    After a custom range is set, only certain components are filtered. If no custom control range is set for filtering components, the default control range is used.

    For example, the filtering component "Select Shipmethod" can only control the component "Amount". As shown in the figure below:

    image (10).png

    1) Locate the "Filtering component" dashboard under the "Dashboard", as shown below:

    image (11).png

    2) Enter the dashboard, click the drop-down of "Select Shipmethod" component > "Custom Control Range", as shown below:

    image (12).png

    3) The "Custom Control Range" box is displayed, showing two components. Both components are controlled by "Select Shipmethod" by default. Select "Amount" and leave other components unchecked. Achieve the desired effect. As shown in the figure below:

    image (13).png

    5. Login name passed the default value

    You can set different users to login to the dashboard and display different data analysis content.

    Login to "Anna" and view the dashboard. You can only see the information for all "Salesperson" in the "Region" and "Jiangsu Province" fields where "Anna" is located filtered by the filter component, as shown below:

    image (14).png

    1) Open "FRDemo_SALES_BASIC" under "Package" and drag the "Region" field for the text filtering component. As shown in the figure below:

    Note: "FRDemo_SALES_BASIC" selected here should be consistent with the decision-making platform user login table. Synchronize the user information in "FRDemo_SALES_BASIC" to the decision-making platform by referring to the User Synchronization Dataset.

    image (15).png

    2) Check the "Login name passed the default value" function for the filtering component, as shown below:

    image (16).png

    3) Hang out the finished dashboard under the "Directory". For details, see: Hang out dashboard.

    4) Configure the permission for users to view the dashboard. Set the permission for users to view the dashboard and the permission for service packages in the directory. For details, see: Permission Management Guide.

    4) Configure the permission of the field where the login user resides. Choose "Manage > Permission > Quick configuration of authority > Data Authorization", select "All Departments" for the user whose permission is configured, and then select "Login User's Field" as the account field under the same "FRDemo_SALES_BASIC", as shown in the following figure:

    image (17).png

    Select the "Salesperson" field under "FRDemo_SALES_BASIC" and the setting appears successfully in the "Login User's Field" as shown below:

    image (18).png

    6. Allow overlap

    Overlap allows filtering components to be displayed in a superposition with other components or controls to achieve a free layout. Click the "drop-down box" and select "Allow overlap", as shown below:

    image (19).png

    You can drag and drop the component anywhere within the dashboard, including overlaping it inside other components. As shown in the figure below:

    image (20).png

    The filter component with suspension set is always overlaid over the component/filter component without suspension set. If both components are set to overlap, you can click "drop down" and select "Order" to set the display order of the two components, which is "Move to Top" and which is "Move to Bottom". As shown in the figure below:

    image (21).png

    7. Clear selected data

    Click "Clear selected data" for the text filtering component whose filter condition have been selected. As shown in the figure below:

    image (22).png

    All selected conditions are cleared, and you can select conditions again. As shown in the figure below:

    image (23).png

    8. Title settings

    8.1 Show/hide title

    The default status of the filter component is "Show Title". Click "drop down" to uncheck "Show Title". As shown in the figure below:

    image (24).png

    The effect is shown below:

    image (25).png

    8.2 Edit title

    You can modify the title displayed by the filtering component by editing the title. The default name of the filtering component is "text dropdown", "text list", and "value range". For details, see: Editing the Title.

    Click "Edit Title" to modify the name. As shown in the figure below:

    image (26).png

    Modify the text, set the text "Custom" style, and click "OK" when finished. As shown below:

    image (27).png

    For example, let's change the title to "Select SHIPMETHOD". And set the component title style, as shown below:

    image (28).png

    9. Index

    The following table lists other functions of the filter component:


    The filter component is not bound to the use of fields, that is, the filter component is used as a parameter.

    Note: In the filter component type, the usage of adding fields to the filter component is described.

    Filtering components do not bind fields
    A filter component controls multiple component usage by adding multiple fields to the filter component.Filtering components control multiple components
    Custom filter component valueCustom value list
    The linkage filtering effect is generated between multiple filtering componentsFiltering components linkage
    Import filtering components in batchesImport filter condition in batches

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