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  • Recent Updates: April 04, 2022
  • 1. Extracted data


    SyntaxTODATE()The function converts parameters of various date forms to date types.


    • Five parameter forms are supported.

    • Use one parameter: value/date/text.  Use two parameters: Both parameters are text.  Use three parameters: All three parameters are text.

    • In the format, the month must be uppercase "MM" and the year must be lowercase "yy" or "yyyy". Day must be lowercase "dd".


    TODATE(DATE(2007,12,12))Return to the formed date of December 12, 2007.

    If the parameter is a date-type parameter, return it directly

    TODATE(1023542354746)Return to June 8, 2002The parameter is the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00:00 on January 1, 1970. Return the corresponding time.
    TODATE("2007/10/15")Return to the formed date of October 15, 2007Parameter is date-formatted text, then return the date corresponding to that text.
    TODATE("1/15/07","MM/dd/yy")Return to the date formed on 15 January 2007. (MM must be in uppercase).

    There are two parameters. The first parameter is a date-formatted text, and the second parameter is the format used to parse the date.

    Specifically, "yyyyMMdd" is used to parse date formats such as "20081230". For example, TODATE("20110830","yyyyMMdd") returns a date consisting of August 30, 2011.

    TODATE("Monday1/15/07","EEEMM/dd/yy","zh")Return the date of January 15, 2007.

    The first parameter is a date-format text, the second parameter is the format in which the date is parsed, and the third parameter is the language in which the date is parsed, such as zh (Chinese) and en (English). If EEE is inconsistent with MM/dd/yy, MM/dd/yy shall prevail.

    The third parameter also supports uppercase: "ZH", "EN". 

    2. Real-time data


    SyntaxTODATE()The function converts paramters of various date forms to date types.  


    • Four parameter forms are supported.

    • Supports one parameter: the parameter is a numeric value or a date or a text type; Or use two parameters: the parameters need to be all text.

    • In the format, the month must be uppercase "MM" and the year must be lowercase "yy" or "yyyy". Day must be lowercase "dd".



    Return to the formed date of December 12, 2007.

    If the parameter is a date-type parameter, return it directly.

    TODATE(1023542354746)Return to June 8, 2002.The parameter is the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00:00 on January 1, 1970. Return the corresponding time.
    TODATE("2007-06-08")Return to the formed date of June 8, 2007.Parameter is date-formatted text, then return the date corresponding to that text.
    TODATE("1/15/07","MM/dd/yy")Return to the date formed on 15 January 2007. (MM must be in uppercase).

    There are two parameters. The first parameter is a date-formatted text, and the second parameter is the format used to parse the date.

    Specifically, "yyyyMMdd" is used to parse date formats such as "20081230". For example, TODATE("20110830","yyyyMMdd") returns a date consisting of August 30, 2011.

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