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Overview of interactive functions

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1 Overview

    The interactive function of the component is used to meet the interaction requirements between the data analyst and the dashboard, so that the dashboard can flexibly respond to the analysis operations of the business personnel.

    FineBI provides users with interactive functions (OLAP functions): data drill, jump, linkage, use filter components, Tab components, text components, picture components, Web components, and parameters.

    2. Drill down

    In actual use of the dashboard, the business problem is often grasped at the macro level through statistical charts, and then drilled down level by level through the drill link within a page until the detailed data is located to locate the specific problem. For details, please refer to: Data Drilling

    For example, the drill-down of the date is realized, as shown in the following figure:

    3. Jump

    The jump function allows you to jump from one dashboard to another dashboard (or another webpage), or you can set a filter field to filter while jumping. For details, please refer to: Jump

    image (3).png

    Click to jump to the analysis template to realize the jump

    image (4).png

    4. Linkage

    Refers to when there is a logical relationship between components, click on a component to realize the USER0004, and other related components will also screen out the relevant data of the USER0004 when the linkage changes of other related components. For details, see Linkage

    5. Filter components

    For details, see: Filter components

    6. Other components

    For details, see: Tab component, text component, picture component, Web component

    7. Parameters

    For details, please refer to: the use of dynamic columns in the table component, the transmission and use of URL parameters (real-time data), the use of SQL parameters in real-time data

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