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View component filter criteria

  • Recent Updates: April 26, 2022
  • 1.Overview

    1.1 Version

    FineBI VersionFunction Changes
    5.1.13Support viewing component result filter, field filter (except for detail filtering), component filter, custom jumps, and custom linkage results.
    5.1.14Support viewing component detail filtering, linkage by default, and default jump filtering results.

    1.2 Application scenarios

    When users want to know whether the data currently displayed by a component is filtered data, and what the filtering criteria are, they can use "View Filter Criteria".

    If filtering is done during component editing and production, the "view user" without editing authority can also know which filtering has been performed through the "view filter criteria".

    1.3 Function introduction

    Both the preview interface and the editing interface of the dashboard can "view filter criteria".

    2. Example

    Select the "Dashboard" node, search to find the "Store Sales Status Analysis" dashboard and open it, as shown in the following figure:1.png

    2.1 Viewing on the editing interface

    Click the TOP10 sales store component, click "View filter criteria", the filter criteria of the displayed fields are as shown in the figure below:2-.png


    2.2 Viewing on the preview surface

    Click "Preview Dashboard" to enter the preview interface, click the "Brand Sales" component, and click "View filter criteria", as shown in the figure below:3

    Of course, viewing the filter criteria displays the same effect in the "Catalogue" node, as shown in the following figure:

    Note: The filter criteria in the "Result Filter" on the preview interface are not displayed.

    3. Detailed description of different filter criteria

    Filter FunctionFilter Setting LocationView Examples of Filter Criteria

    Result filter

    Note: The filter criteria in the "Result Filter" on the preview interface are not displayed.

    Filter component9.png11.png

    Detail filtering

    Note: The filter criteria in the "Detail Filtering" of the preview interface are not displayed.


    Detail filtering

    Note: The filter criteria in the "Detail Filtering" of the preview interface are not displayed.

    Custom analysis template jump filter

    1 (1).png

    The name of the dashboard before the jump and the filter criteria triggered by the jump will be displayed.

    Default Jump (Section 2.2) Filter19.png2.png
    Url parameter transferingUrl parameter transfering3.png
    Custom linkage20.png25.pngThe name of the linked component and the filter criteria triggered by the linkage will be displayed.
    Linkage by default (Section 2.3.1) filtering21_副本.png

    26.pngThe name of the linked component and the filter criteria triggered by the linkage will be displayd.

    Drill 23.png24.png

    Attachment List

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