The color table is used to display different text colors corresponding to different dimension classifications, such as the contract type table below. Different colors are used to display whether the contract has been delivered, as shown in the following figure:
Basic requirements for color table:
Advantages: values of different dimensions can be displayed in clear colors.
Disadvantages: it is not applicable to scenarios with too many dimensions.
1) Click the “Dashboard", select "New Dashboard", and click "OK", as shown in the following figure:
2) Click "Add component", as shown in the figure below:
3) Add data. Select "contract fact" under "My Packages", and click "OK", as shown in the following figure:
4) Drag the fields "type of contract" and "contract payment type" under the dimension field into the horizontal axis, drag the field "contract amount" under the indicator into the vertical axis, and select "color table" under the chart type. As shown in the figure below:
4) Then drag the "Whether delivered" field under the dimension of the area to be analyzed into the "color" under "Graphic Properties" and "vertical axis", and use different colors to distinguish whether it has been delivered or not. As shown in the figure below:
After selecting the chart type, it will automatically switch to a text chart under the graphic attribute. Click the "color" bar to manually set the display color of whether it has been delivered. Set“No" to red and "Yes" to green, as shown in the following figure:
For more details, see the file: "Graphic properties - color".
At the same time, you can set graphic size, label, prompt, fine-grained, etc. for details, see "Graphic properties".
Select "component style", click "adaptive display", select "Overall adaptation", and adjust the overall effect of the graphics on the page. As shown in the figure below:
You can also set the "Legend", "network grid", "backgorund", see more details in the file: "Component style in tables".
Select the corresponding dashboard and click "Preview Dashboard". The chart is shown in the following figure:
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