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Stacked column chart

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenarios

    The stacked column chart, also known as the mountain plot chart for manufacturing, is an extended form of the column chart. Each column is divided to show the proportion of sub-categories under a large category, which can display more dimensional data: Numerical comparison between major categories, the proportion of each sub-category purpose under the major categories, and the horizontal numerical comparison of the same sub-category purpose under different major categories. It is a chart that can visually see the value of each indicator and can also reflect the sum of dimensions. The following figure shows the comparison of traffic obtained by different channels for an internet product in a week:


    The stacked column chart divides each column, and each sub-category contained in a large category is used to display the size of each data under the same type;

    The value on each column represents different data sizes, and the sum of the data of each layer represents the height of the entire column.

    1.2 Basic requirements

    1) Basic requirements of stacked column chart:

    Chart effectDimension fieldsIndicator fields

     Stacked column chart



    Note: If there are 2 dimensions, 1 indicator can be stacked; or by dragging the dimension field into the color bar to achieve stacking, please refer to the document: Chart attributes.

    2) Data requirements for stacked column chart:

    To convert a two-dimensional table to a one-dimensional table. That is, one dimension corresponds to multiple indicators that need to be stacked and displayed.

    1.3 Chart features

    Advantage: Clearly see the size of different indicators in each dimension, and you can also compare the data volume gaps of different dimension categories.

    Disadvantage: Only applicable to data with few dimensions, not applicable to scenarios with too many dimensions.

    2. Example

    2.1 Create component

    2.1.1 Data preprocessing

    1) Download sample data


     click "Data Preparation", select "Package", add "Excel dataset", as shown in the figure below:

    image (1).png

    2) Upload the downloaded Weekly_Data.xlsx, name the table Weekly_Data, and click OK, as shown in the figure below:

    image (2).png

    2.1.2 Create chart

    1) Click the "Dashboard", select "New Dashboard", and click OK, as shown in the figure below:

    image (3).png

    2) Click "Add Component", select "Weekly_Data" under "Package", and click OK, as shown in the figure below:

    image (4).png

    3) Drag the field "Week" under the dimension of the area to be analyzed into the horizontal axis, and place the fields "Direct interview, Email marketing, Affiliate ad, Video ad, Search engine" under the indicator into the vertical axis in order, as shown in the figure below Shown:

    image (5).png

    4) Select the chart type as "Stacked Column Chart", as shown in the figure below:

    image (6).png

    Note: The stacked column chart must have at least 1 dimension and at least 2 indicator fields in the horizontal and vertical axis to be selected, otherwise the stacked column chart under the chart type will be grayed out and cannot be clicked.

    5) Drag the indicator fields of the area to be analyzed "Direct interview, Email marketing, Affiliate ad, Video ad, Search engine" into the tag of the drop-down column with the same name in the graphic properties:

    image (7).png

    6) Drag the "ID" in the indicator of the area to be analyzed into the fine-grained column, and the chart is created, as shown in the figure below:

    Note: This step does not affect the chart display effect. Dragging the fields into fine-grained is for sorting in section 2.4.1 of this article, because the index fields on which sorting depends must be in the analysis area.

    image (8).png

    2.2 Graghic properties settings

    2.2.1 Color

    After selecting the chart type, it will automatically switch to a column chart under the graphic properties, and place the "TagName" in the color attribute. Click the color bar to set the display color of "Direct interview, Email marketing, Affiliate ad, Video ad, Search engine", as follows As shown in the figure:

    image (9).png

    2.2.2 Size

    Click the size bar to adjust the column width and size of the column, as shown in the figure below:

    image (10).png

    2.2.3 Tag

    1) Click "tag" and set the tag position to the center, as shown in the figure below:

    image (11).png

    2) Set the content format of "Direct interview, Email marketing, Affiliate ad, Video ad, Search engine" under the graphic properties in turn, and set the font color to white:

    image (12).png

    2.3 Set table

    Click the title and enter "Stacked column chart".

    2.4 Field drop-down settings

    2.4.1 Dimension field settings

    1) Sort by ID

    Click the drop-down box of the Week field, select "Ascending", and click "ID (Sum)":

    image (13).png

    2) Cancel the display of the axis title.

    Click the "Week" field drop-down box, select "Set the Category Axis", uncheck the "Display axis title", and click OK, as shown in the following figure:

    image (14).png

    2.4.2 Indicator field settings

    Cancel the display of the value axis title.

    Click the drop down under any field of "Direct interview, Email marketing, Affiliate ad, Video ad, Search engine", select "Set value axis (left-value axis)", uncheck the "Display axis title", and click OK, as shown in the figure below:

    image (15).png

    2.5 Component style settings

    Select the component style, click the "Horizontal network grid display", select the line color, and set the RGB value to 208,208,208, as shown in the following figure:

    image (16).png

    2.6 Preview effect

    2.6.1 PC

    Select the corresponding dashboard, click Preview, the chart is as shown in the figure below:

    image (17).png

    2.6.2 Mobile

    image (18).png

    3. Precautions

    Problem description: If the indicator is 0, it will also be displayed in the stacked column chart, as shown in the following figure:

    image (19).png

    Solution: Convert 0 to a null value.

    It can be realized by using formulas in the "Add calculation indicator" on the dashboard. For example, the calculation indicator for "AMOUNT" and "PAID" is used to remove 0 to form new indicators "AMOUNT1" and "PAID1", as shown in the following figure:

    Calculation indicatorAdd formulaDescription
    AMOUNT1IF (SUM_AGG(AMOUNT)=0,null,SUM_AGG(AMOUNT))If "AMOUNT" is 0, then it is null, otherwise it is the original value
    PAID1IF(SUM_AGG(PAID)=0,null,SUM_AGG(PAID))If "PAID" is 0, then it is null, otherwise it is the original value

    image (20).png

    Preview effect:

    Then use "AOMUNT1" and "PAID1" for stacking to achieve the effect as shown in the figure below:

    image (21).png

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