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Waterfall Chart

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenarios

    The waterfall chart has a top-down smooth effect. It can also be called a Cascade Chart or a Bridge Chart. It uses a combination of absolute and relative values to express the quantitative relationship between multiple specific values. . It is often used in business analysis and financial analysis to indicate the composition and changes of business costs. The following figure shows the waterfall chart of fund changes, showing the accumulation of results by showing the contribution of positive values (income) and negative values (expenditure) to the total amount:


    1.2 Basic requirements

    The basic requirements of waterfall chart:

    Chart effect  

     Dimension field 

      Index field

      Waterfall chart



    1.3 Chart features

    Advantages: Clearly see the size of different indicators in each dimension, and you can also compare the data volume gaps of different dimension categories.

    Disadvantages: only applicable to data with few dimensions, not applicable to scenarios with too many dimensions.

    2. Example

    2.1 Create components

    2.1.1 Data preprocessing

    1) Download sample data 

    183.Changes in funds.xlsx

    , Click "Data Preparation", click "Add a business package", name the business package "Waterfall Chart", click "Add Table", add the downloaded EXCEL dataset, and name the table "Changes in funds". Click "OK". As shown below:


    2) Return "Waterfall chart". Click "Add Table", select "Self-service dataSet2", and click "Select All". As shown below:


    3) Click "+" and select "New column", as shown in the figure below:


    4) Name the newly added colum "Changes. Enter the formula: IF(Changes in funds >=0,"Income","Expenditure"). The field "Changes in funds" needs to be selected from the value field, as shown in the figure below:


    5) Name the table "Dataset of Fund Changes". Click "Save and Update". As shown below:


    2.1.2 Create a chart

    1) Click "Dashboard", select "New Dashboard", and name the dashboard "Waterfall Chart". Click "OK", as shown in the figure below:


    2) Click "Add Component", select "Dataset of Fund Changes" in "Waterfall Chart". Click "OK", as shown in the figure below:


    3) Drag the field "Date" under the dimension of the area to be analyzed into the horizontal axis, the field "Balance" under the indicator into the vertical axis, and select "waterfall chart" under chart type. As shown below:


    Note: The waterfall chart must have at least 1 dimension and at least 2 indicator fields in the horizontal and vertical axis to be selected, otherwise the stacked column chart under the chart type will be grayed out and cannot be clicked.  

    4) Drag "Changes" in the dimension of the area to be analyzed into the "color" bar, and "Changes in funds" in the indicator into the "tag" bar, as shown in the figure below:


    Note: If the "Funds Change" is not automatically displayed in the "size" bar, you need to drag it in manually.

    2.2 Graphical property settings

    2.2.1 Color

    Select "color" bar and set the color of "Income" to red and the color of "Expenditure" to black, as shown in the figure below:


    For details, see: Graphic Properties-Color  .

    2.2.2 Size

    Select "size" bar and drag the width to the right, as shown in the figure below:


    At the same time, you can set tags, prompt, fine-grained, etc. For details, see: Graphical Properties 

    Component legend, grid lines, background, adaptive display, etc. For details, see: Chart component style 

    2.3 Analysis area field settings

    2.3.1 Dimension Field-Axis Title Setting

    Click the drop-down box of "Date" field, click "Set the category axis", and uncheck the "Display axis title" in the setting, as shown in the figure below:


    2.3.2 Indicator Field-Axis Title Setting

    Click the  drop-down box of the "Balance" field and uncheck the "Display axis title" in the setting, as shown in the figure below:


    At the same time, you can set the  chart summary method  , the chart fast calculation  , the chart value format , the chart special display , and the chart setting analysis line.

    2.4 Effect preview

    2.4.1 PC side

    Select the corresponding dashboard and click "Preview Dashboard", as shown in the figure below:

    14 (1).png

    2.4.2 Mobile

    The effect of App and HTML5 terminal is shown in the figure below:


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