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Multi-series lines chart

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenario

    The multi-series line chart is used to view the trends of the indicators in the same area, allowing a visual comparison of the trends. The effect is shown in the following graph, which shows the world's energy consumption from 1800 to 2017, with different colored lines representing different types of energy (solid, liquid, gas, etc.).


    1.2 Basic requirements

    Basic requirements for multi-series line chart.

    Chart effectDimension fieldIndicator field
    multi-series line chart >=1 >=2

    1.3 Chart features

    Advantages: Clearly shows the trend of increase and decrease of different indicators under the current dimension, the rate of increase and decrease, the pattern of increase and decrease peaks, and other characteristics, suitable for showing larger data sets.

    Disadvantage: The number of lines is generally not suitable for more than 4.

    2. Operation steps

    2.1 Create a component

    2.1.1 Data pre-processing

    1)Download the sample data CO2-by-source.xlsx, click Data Preparation, select My Self-Service dataset, and add the EXCEL dataset as shown below.

    image (1).png

    2)Upload the downloaded CO2-by-source.xlsx, take the table name "test_for_multi-series_lines_chart", select Year as text in the field typesetting, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    image (2).png

    2.1.2 Create a chart

    1)Click on the dashboard Tab, select New dashboard, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    image (3).png

    2)Click add component, select the CO2 environment data under My Self-Service dataset business package, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    image (4).png

    3)Drag the fieldsYear under the area dimension to be analyzed into the horizontal axis and the fields Cement, Coal, Flaring,Gas, Oil under the indicator into the vertical axis as shown below.

    image (5).png

    4)Select multi-series line chart in the chart type to create it successfully.

    Note: After selecting a multi-series line chart, the indicator name will be added to the color automatically.

    image (6).png

    Note: The multi-series line chart must have more than or equal to 1 dimension and more than or equal to 2 indicator fields in the horizontal and vertical axes to be selected, otherwise the multi-series line chart under the chart type will be grayed out and unclickable.

    2.2 Graphical property settings

    2.2.1 Color

    After selecting the chart type, it automatically switches to a line chart under the graphical properties, and the indicator name is placed in the color property, click on the color bar, and set Cement,Coal, Flaring, Gas, and Oil, respectively, as shown in the following figure.

    image (7).png

    Recommended colors: Oil:90,144,249; Coal:90,217,168; Gas:98,117,150; Cement:246,190,32;Flaring:233,105,74

    For more information, see: Graphics Properties - Color

    2.2.2 Size

    Click on the Size column and adjust the size of the line width of the line to the far left, as shown below.

    image (8).png

    For more information, see: Graph Properties - Size

    Labels, hints, granularity, etc. can also be set, see: Graphical Properties for details

    2.3 Component Style Settings

    2.3.1 Axis

    Select the component style, click on the axis, and uncheck the axis display, as shown below.

    image (9).png

    2.3.2 Horizontal grid lines

    Select component style, click on horizontal grid lines, and set the line color to 208,208,208, as shown below.

    image (10).png

    2.3.3 Adaptive display

    Select component style, click on adaptive display, and select overall adaptation, as shown in the following figure.

    image (11).png

    2.4 Analysis area field settings

    2.4.1 Dimension field settings

    Click on the Year field drop-down box, select Set Category Axis, uncheck Show Axis Title in the Axis tab, and select Show Axis Orientation to the right of the axis tab set it to -90°, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    The dimension field settings allow you to sort charts, group charts, filter charts, set axes for charts, etc.

    2.4.2 Indicator field settings

    1)Click on the drop-down box of the Cement field, select the value format, and set the quantity unit to billion, as shown in the following figure.

    2)Click the drop-down box of the Cement field, select Set Value Axis (Left Value Axis), uncheck Show Axis Title; click Customize Axis Scale, set the minimum value to 0, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    3 Effect view

    3.1 PC side

    Select the corresponding dashboard, click Preview, and the chart is shown in the following figure.

    image (18).png

    4. Dashboard view

    The completed dashboard can be found at multi-series line chart

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