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Word cloud

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenario

    Word cloud is a chart type that visually shows the data frequency. It can visually highlight the "Keywords" with high frequency and form a "keyword cloud", so as to filter out a large amount of text information, so that visitors can appreciate the key points as long as they scan the text at a glance. The effect is shown in the following figure:


    1.2 Basic requirement

    Basic requirement for word cloud:

    Chart effectdimension fieldindicator field
    Word cloud 1 1

    1.3 Chart features

    Advantages: it is suitable for displaying multi classification text data with large data volume and large discrimination, and intuitively display the content with high word frequency.

    Disadvantages: it is not suitable for displaying data with low discrimination.

    2. Example

    2.1 Create component

    Sample data:


    1) Click "dashboard", select "New Dashboard", and click "OK", as shown in the following figure:


    2) Click "Add component", choose the word count data, and click "OK", as shown in the following figure:新建组件.png

    3) Drag the "Search terms" under the "Dimension field" into the "horizontal axis" and "the number of search times" under the "indicator field" into the "vertical axis".


    4) Under chart type, select "word cloud". After the chart type is selected, the shape under the "Graphic Properties" is automatically switched to "text", the dimension field is added to the "text", and the indicator field is added to the "size". As shown below:


    Note: the word cloud chart can be selected only when there is one dimension and one indicator field in the horizontal and vertical axis, otherwise the word cloud chart under the chart type will be grayed out and cannot be clicked.


    5) Drag "The number of search times" under the indicator field into the "color" bar of the "Graphic Properties" .


    2.2 Graphic properties setting

    2.2.1 Color

    After selecting the chart type, it will automatically switch to text chart under the "Graphic Properties". Click the "color" bar, select the "gradient type" as "area gradient", select "Custom" under the "gradient interval", and then select the display color for each numerical interval. As shown in the figure below:


    For more details, see the file "Graphic Properties---Color".

    2.2.2 Size

    Click the "size" bar, you can adjust the font size of the word cloud. As shown in the figure below:


    For more details, see the file "Graphic Properties---Size".

    At the same time, you can also set "text","prompt" and "fine-grained", for more details, see the file "Graphic Properties".

    2.3 Component style setting

    Select the component style, select the "line type" as "Dotted line", as shown in the figure below:


    At the same time, you can also select "Legend", "network grid", "background" and "adaptive display", etc. For more details, see the file: "Component style of charts".

    2.4 View the effect

    2.4.1 PC terminal

    pc (1).png

    2.4.2 Mobile terminal


    Attachment List

    Theme: Build Charts and Analyze data
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