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Chart attributes

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 version

    VersionJARFunction changes
    5.1.62020-9-30Remove the function of switching chart types under the "Graphic Properties" tab (except for custom charts)
    5.1.82020-12-04The "Graphic Properties" slider setting item supports custom value size
    Support input hexadecimal code to set color
    5.1.92021-01-06Property setting entrance optimization
    5.1.12-Label overlap logic optimization
    • New "dashed line" line type for line chart

    • The original line type name is changed to style

    Added "connection" attribute to area chart, supports selection of polyline and curve

    1.2 Application scenarios

    When visualizing data, we hope to express the data intuitively with the graphic properties(color, shape, size, etc.) of geometric objects, which can be realized in "graphic properties" in FineBI.

    1.3 Feature introduction

    When the chart has multiple indicators, "All" and the indicator name will appear under "Graphic Properties". As shown below:


    • The graphic properties set in "All" are effective for all indicators, that is, they are effective for "AMOUNT" and "PAID" at the same time.

    • The graphic attributes set in "AMOUNT" are only valid for the index field "AMOUNT", and not for "PAID".

    2. Color

    2.1 Set the color of the chart

    For example, if you want to set the column of the column chart to orange, you can click on the color setting and select orange, as shown in the following figure:

    image (1).png

    2.2 Use color to distinguish dimensions

    Drag the dimension field into the color bar to achieve.

    1) Use colors to distinguish the columns of "SHIPPORT", you can drag the dimension field "SHIPPORT" into the color bar. As shown below:

    Each shipport has different colors, and a legend is automatically generated on the right side of the chart.

    image (2).png

    2) Click on the color bar to customize the color scheme, effect, opacity, and border settings, as shown in the figure below:


    Click the color block to set the color of the graphic, support transparent, automatic, and custom. Custom support to input hexadecimal code and RGB to set color.

    Color scheme

    Support unified adjustment of graphics colors.


    Set whether to turn on the color effect. Turning it on will produce the gradient effect of the graph itself.


    Adjust the color opacity of the graphics, support two ways of sliding the slider and manually setting the value.


    Set the border color and style.

    image (3).png

    2.3 Turn on the effect to set the gradient

    Column chart, pie chart, area chart and funnel chart can directly set the gradient effect.

    Note: When the effect button is grayed out, the gradient effect will not take effect.

    • Take the column chart as an example, it will produce a linear gradient effect after opening, as shown in the following figure:

    image (4).png

    • Take the area chart as an example. After it is turned on, a gradient effect from the highest value to the x-axis is produced, as shown in the following figure:

    Note: When the opacity button is grayed out after the gradient is turned on, it means that the opacity setting is not effective.

    image (5).png

    2.4 Drag the field to set the gradient

    Drag the indicator field in the color bar to realize the gradient of the graph according to the indicator size.

    Drag "AMOUNT" into the color bar to distinguish colors based on the value of the indicator "AMOUNT". "A" with the smallest value has the lightest color. As shown below:

    image (6).png

    Click on the color bar to customize the gradient type, gradient scheme, gradient interval, effect, opacity, and border according to the numerical value. According to the type of gradient, it is divided into continuous gradient and area gradient.

    2.4.1 Continuous gradient

    Set a continuous gradient, the effect is as shown in the figure below:

    Gradient type

    Continuous gradient

    Gradient scheme


    Gradient interval


    Number of intervals


    Interval value and color

    As shown below

    image (7).png

    2.4.2 Area gradient

    Area gradient, set the gradient effect from green to orange. Results as shown below:

    Gradient type

    Area gradient

    Gradient scheme


    Gradient interval


    Number of intervals


    Interval value and color

    As shown below

    image (8).png

    2.5 Column chart stacking effect

    Drag "PAYMETHOD" into the color bar, and turn on the indicator "AMOUNT" to stack, then the columns in the large area can be divided into two parts: credit and visa. As shown below:

    image (9).png

    The same click on the color bar can also customize the color scheme, effect, opacity, and border settings.

    3. Size

    The size attribute is to set the size of the element in the component. Area chart, pie chart, and filled map do not support this attribute, and all other chart types are supported.

    3.1 Resize graphics

    Take the column chart and line chart as examples:

    • Column chart

    Click on the size bar to adjust the column width and rounded angle of the column chart, as shown in the figure below:

    image (10).png

    • Line chart

    Click the size bar to adjust the line width of the line graph, as shown in the figure below:

    image (11).png

    3.2 Drag the indicator field

    Drag the indicator into the size bar, you can map the size of the graph according to the size of the indicator value.

    Take the scatter chart as an example. Drag "AMOUNT" into the size column. The larger the AMOUNT value, the larger the dot size. It is intuitively observed that "C" has the largest credit value. As shown below:

    image (12).png

    4. Tag

    1) Drag the field into the tag bar, you can display text notes on the chart, click on the settings, you can proceed to the tag display effect. As shown below:

    Display tagWhether to show tag
    Content formatCustom tag display content and font style
    Tag locationSet the lcation of the tag
    Tag displayYou can choose to display all, or display the maximum or minimum value in the group
    Tag display methods

    There are three types:

    • Allow labels to overlap

    • Hide overlapping labels when labels overlap

    • Automatically adjust position when labels overlap

    5.1.12 version optimized label overlap logic:

    When the label overlaps and adjusts the label location, when a certain label in the overlap is at the top (left, right), after adjustment, its relative position is still on the top (left, right) side.

    Note 1: The label overlap logic optimized in version 5.1.12 does not apply to: mechanical bubble chart, pie chart, multi-layer pie chart, funnel chart, rectangular tree chart.

    Note 2: After the 5.1.12 version label overlap adjustment, the label position may be inconsistent with the inside and outside settings of the configuration item.

    Note 3: When multiple indicators are adjusted together, the order of label adjustment methods: follow the order of "allow labels to overlap", "automatically adjust position when labels overlap", and "hide overlapping label when labels overlap".

    Note: If the calculation indicator is an aggregate function, drag the dimension field to the label to participate in the calculation.

    image (13).png

    5. Prompt

    The default prompt for the fields added in the analysis area and chart attributes. Drag the remaining fields into the prompt bar to add prompt content.

    Click "Content Format" to set the text content and style. It also supports the setting of the "Background Color". After dragging in the "PAID", click the content format to select the corresponding field. As shown below:

    Content format

    Change the content and font style of the prompt

    Background color

    Display the background color of the label

    Show all tips under dimensions

    After checking, you can display all the prompt information under the dimension

    image (14).png

    The effect after setting is as shown in the figure below:

    image (15).png

    Note: If the graph properties area has other dimension fields that are different from those on the horizontal and vertical axis, at this time, check "Show all tips under dimensions" and it will be displayed as "*", as shown in the following figure:

    image (16).png

    6. Fine-grained

    6.1 Definition

    Fine-grained: Fine-grained indicates the degree of refinement of the data.

    For example, the boss wants to know the sales for each month in 2019. If you give him total sales data for 2019, this data is too rough for him; if you give him detailed sales data for each order in 2019, this data is too detailed. Here, "too coarse" and "too fine" refer to the fine-grained data.

    6.2 Example

    The pie chart of "SHIPPORT" and "AMOUNT" is shown in the figure below. Drag "PAYMETHOD" into the fine-grained column, SHIPPORT displays two payment methods: credit and visa, as shown in the figure below:

    image (17).png

    7. Shape

    7.1 Modify the shape

    Take the aggregate bubble chart as an example, click on the shape bar to change the shape of the bubble, as shown in the figure below:

    image (18).png

    7.2 Drag the dimension field

    Take a scatter chart as an example, drag the "SHIPPORT" into the shape bar, and you can use the shape to distinguish the sales of each shipport.

    It can be seen that the "C" in the "US Mail" is the highest. As shown below:

    image (19).png

    7.3 Drag the indicator field

    Drag "PAID" into the shape bar to display different shapes according to the value of "PAID".

    Click the shape setting, you can customize the shape type and interval, set the condition and shape, as shown in the figure below:

    image (20).png

    The effect is as shown below:

    image (21).png

    8. Connection

    8.1 Scope of application

    Chart typesDescription

    Line chart

    • Style (polyline, curve, vertical)

    • Line type (straight line, curve)

    • Mark point (yes, none)

    Note: To convert a line chart into a radar chart, at least one dimension and one indicator field are required, and the horizontal and vertical axis cannot have indicator fields at the same time

    Radar chart

    • Before version 5.1.13, the "line type" could not be set for the radar chart

    • Version 5.1.13 and later, Radar Chart cannot be set to "Style"

    • Can set solid line, dashed line, mark point

    Note: Due to version 5.1.13 and later, the original "line type" name has been changed to "style"

    Area chart

    Curves and polylines can be set

    8.2 Examples

    8.2.1 Line chart

    image (22).png

    8.2.2 Radar chart

    image (23).png

    8.2.3 Area chart


    9. Radius

    A peculiar property of the pie chart, the radius refers to the radius of the pie chart.

    9.1 Adjust radius and internal diameter

    Click the radius bar to adjust the radius and internal diameter of the pie chart, as shown in the figure below:

    "Radius" can directly adjust the size of the pie chart, and "Internal Diameter" can adjust the width of the circle of the pie chart (that is, the size of the middle internal diameter).

    image (25).png

    9.2 Drag the indicator field

    Drag the indicator field into the radius to convert it into a rose chart. The rose chart uses the radius to show the difference in data.

    I want to show the AMOUNT status of each SHIPTMETHOD, but when the data is similar, it is difficult to see the difference. Drag "AMOUNT" into the radius, choose not to share the radius, and map the value of AMOUNT to the radius of the pie chart, you can easily see that the UPS is the highest. As shown below:

    image (26).png

    9.3 Drag the dimension field

    Drag the dimension field "SHIPMETHOD" into the radius. Each sector with a different radius represents a "SHIPMETHOD", and AMOUNT is still mapped on the angle of radians. As shown below:

    image (27).png

    10. Angle

    Angle is a unique attribute of pie chart. For the radian size of each sector of the pie chart, drag the indicator field to the angle bar to map the size of the indicator value to the angle size.

    "UPS" has the highest amount, so the higher the proportion of angles in the pie chart. As shown below:

    image (28).png

    11. Thermal color

    The thermal color is a unique attribute of the thermal area map and the thermal map. Click settings to change the gradient scheme and opacity of the thermal color.

    Drag the indicator "Sales_volume" into the thermal color bar, and then click the thermal color setting to set the gradient scheme, gradient interval and opacity, and compare the heat value of each region. As shown below:

    image (29).png

    12. Text

    Text property is unique property of indicator card and word cloud. Click the text field to change the content format, as shown in the figure below:

    image (30).png

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