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Text chart

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    Text charts are used to directly display the numerical size of the values, for example, the following chart shows the visitor's stay time for different visit platforms and different visit phases. As shown in the following figure.


    2. Example

    2.1 Create a dashboard

    Create a new dashboard in "Dashboard", as shown below.

    image (1).png

    2.2 Add component

    1)Select "Add Component", as shown below.

    image (2).png

    2)Add data. Select the "test_for_text_chart" as , as shown in the figure below.

    image (3).png

    3)Create a text chart. Select "Custom Chart", drag in the horizontal and vertical axes, and select "Text" under "Graphical Properties". At this point, there is no specific text in the chart, only the word text is displayed because we have not yet assigned a value to the text field under the text graphical properties. At this point, drag in the "visit stay time", then the value of the visit length corresponding to the platform and the last stage will appear, as shown in the following figure.

    image (4).png

    2.3 Graphic Properties settings

    2.3.1 Set text

    Click the "Text" box to customize the formatting of the text content. As shown in the figure below.

    image (5).png

    The text edit box is shown in the following figure.

    image (6).png

    2.3.2 Set color

    Set the gradient according to the total stay time, and choose "Style" for the gradient scheme, as shown below.

    image (7).png

    The component also supports size, hint, and fine granularity settings. Please refer to the documentation for details: Graphical Properties

    2.4 Set Component Style

    Cancel the legend displayed in the component. Set under "Component Style" as shown in the following figure.

    Other style settings of the component refer to the document: Chart Component Style

    image (8).png

    3. Effect view

    3.1 PC side

    See Section 1 of this article for the effect.

    3.2 Mobile side

    image (9).png

    4. Dashboard view

    For the dashboard, details see: Text Diagram

    5. Multiple dimension/indicator

    The horizontal and vertical axes support dragging in multiple fields to display multiple indicators in multiple dimensions, such as listing the dwell time values by year again. As shown in the figure below.

    image (10).png

    Attachment List

    Theme: Build Charts and Analyze data
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