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Chart set category axis

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Version

    FineBI versionJAR New functions
    • In some scenes, the axis forms a completely closed figure

    • After the axis label is rotated, the edge of the axis label will not be cut off in some scenes

    1.2 Application scenarios

    In most cases, the category axis is the horizontal axis. When users need to configure the title, label, etc. of the horizontal axis, they can refer to this document.

    1.3 Function introduction

    Set the category axis to customize the axis label and axis title.

    2. Set the category axis

    1) The fields dragged in from the dimensions of the area to be analyzed can set the category axis, and the fields converted from indicators to dimensions also support the category axis setting. In the horizontal and vertical axis, click "the drop-down of the dimension field> Set the Category Axis", as shown in the figure below:


    2) Enter the category axis setting interface, you can set the axis label and axis title, as shown in the figure below:

    image (1).png

    3. Set the axis label

    3.1 Display axis label

    1) Uncheck "Display axis label", the category axis label of the chart will be hidden, as shown in the following figure:

    image (2).png

    2) The axis label disappears, as shown in the figure below:

    image (3).png

    3.2 Axis label text direction

    When the axis labels are relatively long and cannot be seen clearly when stacked together, the user adjusts the text direction of the rotating axis labels.

    3.2.1 Function introduction

    1) Version 5.1.12, in the scenarios shown in the following table:

    • The axis forms a completely closed figure.

    • After the axis label is rotated, the edge of the axis label will not be cut off.

    As shown in the following table:

    ScenariosNeed to meet the conditions
    Scenario oneThe coordinate axis where the category axis is located has only one dimension

    The position occupied by the legend does not exceed the axis, as shown in the following figure:

    image (4).png


    Scenario two

    The axis where the value axis is located contains only indicators:

    • One indicator (aggregation and juxtaposition)

    • Multiple indicators (the indicators are aggregated)

    Scenario threeNo fields for axis

    2) When the scroll axis appears, the axis label will be hidden after the scroll exceeds the middle position of the category, as shown in the following figure:

    image (5).png

    3.2.2 Steps

    1) Rotate the "text direction" counterclockwise by 30 degrees, as shown in the figure below:

    image (6).png

    2) The effect is shown in the figure below:

    image (7).png

    3.3 Axis label font style

    The font style of the axis label is "Auto" selected by default. You can also customize the style. Click "Custom" to set the label's font and font size. As shown below:

    image (8).png

    4. Set the axis title

    4.1 Display axis title

    1) Uncheck "Display axis title", as shown in the figure below:

    image (9).png

    2) Click "OK", the chart axis title "SIGNDATE" is hidden, as shown in the figure below:image (10).png

    4.2 Change the title name

    Enter the title in the "title name", as shown in the figure below:

    image (11).png

    4.3 Axis title font style

    The system selects "Auto" by default, and the setting method is the same as section 3.3.

    5. Other description

    5.1 Individually set for drill dimensions

    If a drill directory is created for a dimension field, each dimension field contained in the same drill directory can be individually set for the category axis. You can click image (12).pngto switch the dimension in the drilled field, and then click "drop-down> Set the Category Axis". As shown below:

    image (13).png

    5.2 Interval display description

    If the field interval in the category axis is small, it will trigger the axis label interval display.

    For example, the classification axis is a horizontal axis and the number of axis labels is large. After selecting "adaptive display" as "Overall Adaptation" or "Width Adaptation", the axis labels are not all displayed, but displayed at intervals of one month, as shown in the following figure:

    image (14).png

    5.3 Set axis label alignment

    If the axis labels are not displayed neatly, as shown in the figure below:

    image (15).png

    Then set the "font style" of the category axis of the dimension fields "SIGNDATE" and "SHIPMETHOD" to be left-aligned. For steps, refer to section 3.3 of this article. The label display is clearer, and the effect is shown in the following figure:

    image (16).png

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