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Set analysis line in chart

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Version description

    FineBI version
    JAR package versionFunction changes
    5.1.112021-04-02cordon support to display alert values

    1.2 Application scenario

    The analysis lines of the chart are provided in two ways: cordons and trend lines. Their respective application scenarios are as follows.


    The cordon is used in the chart to give a warning about certain values of the indicator, such as sales below the average value. The presentation is shown in the following figure.


    2)Trend line

    The trend line is used to make a trend line to fit the changes in the chart, which can visually see the trend. The presentation is shown in the following figure.

    image (1).png

    1.3 Function entry

    After dragging the indicator field to the horizontal or vertical axis, the "Set Analysis Line" option will be available in the drop-down option of the indicator field on the vertical axis, as shown in the following figure.

    image (2).png

    2. Cordon

    Support setting multiple Cordons, just click the "Add Cordon" button to add one, as shown below.

    image (3).png

    The setting items of Cordon style include Cordon name, line type, and line color. As shown in the figure below.

    image (4).png

    Cordon values can use the built-in maximum, minimum, and average values, or can be customized by formula.

    The user can customize whether to show the value at Cordon or not, this setting item is checked by default.

    image (5).png

    To delete Cordon, simply hover your mouse over the Cordon settings area and the Delete button will be displayed, as shown below.

    image (6).png

    3. Trend line

    For the principle of Trend line, please refer to the document: Principle of the Trend line for chart.

    To set up multiple Trend lines, just click the "Add Trend line" button to add them, as shown in the following figure.

    image (7).png

    The setting items of Trend line style include Trend line name, line type, and line color. The following figure shows.

    image (8).png

    A trend line has four fitting methods to choose from: exponential fit, linear fit, logarithmic fit, and polynomial fit. The following figure shows.

    image (9).png

    Trend line allows you to set the forecast period. Period: refers to the size of the main scale of the current horizontal axis. If n periods are pushed forward or backward, the chart will be pushed forward or backward by n scales.

    For example, if the Trend line is pushed forward by 1 period and pushed back by 1 period, the effect will be as shown below.

    image (10).png

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