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Chart indicator aggregation/juxtapose

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenario

    On the same axis, if there are multiple indicator fields, you can set the indicator field to indicator juxtapose or indicator aggregation, which indicates the side-by-side display and aggregation display of indicators, respectively.

    • indicator juxtapose: Each indicator field corresponds to a value axis, as shown in the following figure.


    • indicator aggregation: All indicators are displayed in the same coordinate system, as shown in the following figure.

    image (1).png

    1.2 Function introduction

    Meet the need for multiple metrics to be displayed together.

    2. Indicator juxtapose

    The sample component was created using the "test_for_chart_indicator_aggregation_juxtapose" in the demo data.

    2.1 Create a component

    2.1.1 Create a dashboard

    The component layout on the dashboard, first opens the "Dashboard" directory, "New Dashboard", as shown in the following figure.

    image (2).png

    2.1.2 Add a component

    1)After creating a new dashboard, go to the dashboard edit screen and "Add Component", as shown in the following figure.

    image (3).png

    2)Use the "test_for_chart_indicator_aggregation_juxtapose" table in the demo data to make the sample component. As shown in the following figure.

    image (4).png

    2.1.3 Create a partitioned bar chart

    Select the chart type "Partitioned Bar Chart" and drag in the fields in order from the left side to create a partitioned bar chart, as shown in the following figure.

    image (5).png

    2.1.4 Component beautification

    1)In "Graphic Properties", change the "Color" of the bar graphs displayed for the three indicators added. For example, change the number of views to red, as shown below.

    image (6).png

    Similarly, set the color of page view and pop-up times to "yellow" and "blue" respectively, and the effect is shown in the following figure.

    image (7).png

    2.2 Set indicator juxtapose

    Indicator juxtapose represents the display of the score axis for each indicator field.

    For example, we add the three indicator fields of page view, visit times and pop-up times in the access statistics fact table in the vertical axis, and select the indicator juxtapose display for the vertical axis. The following figure shows.

    Note: By default, the partitioned bar chart "indicator juxtapose" is displayed.

    image (8).png

    2.3 Effect view

    After setting, you can see that the bar chart in the chart, page view, visit times and pop-up times are displayed in three value axes, and the three value axes have no relationship with each other. The effect is shown in the following figure.

    image (9).png

    3. Indicator aggregation

    Use the same test_for_chart_indicator_aggregation_juxtapose table as the indicator juxtapose to make the sample component.

    3.1 Create a component

    The steps are the same as above, see Section 2.1 of this document.

    3.2 Set indicator aggregation

    Indicator aggregation means that all indicators are displayed on the same value axis. For example, we add three indicator fields of page view, visit times, and pop-up times in the access statistics fact table in the vertical axis, and select "indicator aggregation" for the "vertical axis" display. The following figure shows.

    image (10).png

    3.3 Effect view

    You can see the three indicators in the bar chart, page view, visit times and pop-up times, displayed on one value axis. The implementation is shown in the following figure.

    image (11).png

    4. Other scenarios

    4.1  Set axis reverse

    4.1.1 Effect view

    A comparison of the overall situation of the two indicators can be viewed, as shown in the following chart.

    image (12).png

    4.1.2 Operation steps

    First, create the bar chart of indicator juxtapose, the steps can be found in section 2.1 of this article.

    1)Component beautification.

    After creating the component, cancel the bar chart column spacing, as shown below.

    image (13).png

    Continue to set the "overall adaptation" effect of the display chart, as shown in the following figure.

    image (14).png

    2)Axis reverse is set for pop-up times, so that page view and pop-up times can share one value axis.

    Each value axis can be set separately, without any effect on the others. Therefore, let's set the value axis of pop-up times, select pop-up times, and click "Set the value axis". The following figure shows.

    image (15).png

    3)The value axis for this pop-up times is set, for example, to "Axis reverse", as shown in the following figure.

    The value axis corresponding to the pop-up times is displayed separately as Axis reverse, and the setting does not take effect for the value axes of the other two indicators. For the rest of the chart value axis settings, please refer to the document: Chart Settings Value Axis

    image (16).png

    See section 4.1.1 of this document for the results.

    4.2 Set right-value axis

    4.2.1 Effect view

    When multiple indicator aggregation is displayed, it shares one value axis, and when the difference of indicator values is large, it cannot express the data clearly, so you can set a dual-value axis to display indicator data. For example, the page view in the chart is displayed as the left-value axis, and the pop-up times are displayed as the right-value axis, as shown in the following figure.


    image (17).png
    4.2.2 Operation steps

    1)Set the value axis. By default, indicators share the left-value axis, and pop-up times can be converted to the right-value axis for display.

    Setting the value axis style for a single indicator will take effect for the entire value axis. Therefore, we set the value axis for pop-up times by selecting the drop-down, "Set Value Axis". As shown in the figure below.

    image (18).png

    2)Enter the value axis setting interface. At this point, you can see the "Shared axis" setting option at the top, you can choose to display it as "Left-value axis" or "Right-value axis", the corresponding indicator will be displayed in the corresponding position after selection, we choose to display it as "Right-value axis" for the pop-up times indicator, as shown below.

    image (19).png

    See Section 4.2.1 of this document for the result.

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