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GIS background

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application scenarios

    GIS background map refers to the base map of the map, similar to the tile map data of Gaode and mapbox maps.

    There are eight map backgrounds built in FineBI: dark blue, black, mapbox, fresh, high German map, simple, midnight, and satellite, and it also supports user customization. As shown below:


    1.2 Matters needing attention

    If the user is in an intranet environment, the GIS background input in the tilelayer cannot be loaded, that is, the built-in GIS background of FineBI cannot be loaded either. For the solution, please refer to section 2.2 of this article.

    2. Add a custom layer

    The map layer of FineBI is Gaode+mapbox, and the coordinate system used by the map is GCJ-02.

    2.1 Custom tilelayer

    Two map suppliers are recommended: https://www.mapbox.com and http://thunderforest.com/.

    Note: Since third-party maps will limit the number of visits (exceeding the limit will result in invalid GIS layers or superimposed watermarks), it is recommended that customers with larger visits choose a suitable custom tilelayer according to their needs.

    1) Create a new GIS graphic. Go to "Management System>Map Configuration>Custom GIS Layer", click "+" to add a GIS background, as shown in the figure below:


    2) The method of obtaining the link on the mapbox website can be referred to: How to register and use mapbox, section 2.1.

    3) Enter the obtained URL under tilelayer and click to load the layer, as shown in the figure below:


    2.2 Custom WMS Service

    Using the WMS service released by map tools such as arcgis (please ask Baidu for how to build it), users can realize offline map display in the local area network.

    1) Create a new layer, select "WMS", enter the URL, and the user can search for other available WMS on the Internet.

    Note: For the WMS format required by FineBI, you only need to enter the GetCapabilities request. For example: "https://demo.mapserver.org/cgi-bin/wms?". According to the corresponding WMS protocol, FineBI will further obtain the available layers for users to choose, without the need for users to input detailed layer information.

    2) Click the "Load" button, after requesting all wms layers, the checkbox group of all wms layers will be displayed below the URL input box (all are selected by default), just check the layers as needed, as follows As shown in the figure:


    3) Click the "Save" button.

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