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Dynamic switching field in table

  • Recent Updates: April 26, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Version

    FineBI versionJAR dateFunction change
    5.1.13-Quick setup support the selection of all fields and inverse selection

    1.2 Application scenario

    • When viewing the dashboard, users need to switch multiple dimensions or indicators simply and quickly. You can click the "Quick setup" button to switch fields.

    For example, change the dimension to "Type" to obtain the contract amount and quantity of different contract types, as shown in the following figure:


    • Users need to change the hierarchical relationship of dimensions, such as taking "Type" as the first level, and then "signing time", as shown in the following figure:


    1.3 Function introduction

    • The operations of switching fields include: hiding / displaying fields and switching order.

    • The switching operation is not saved in the dashboard, but only for data analysis when viewed by the user.

    • Schedule, group table and crosstab are all supported.

    2. Example 1: hide / show fields

    2.1 Create component

    1) Create a new component in the dashboard and use the contract fact table under sales demo, as shown in the following figure:


    2) Select the "chart type" as "group table" and drag the fields shown in the following figure into the analysis area.


    3) Click the "Display Fields" of "Type", then the field will not be displayed, as shown in the following figure:


    4) Click "Enter the dashboard" → "Preview Dashboard" to enter the dashboard preview interface.

    2.2 View the effect

    2.2.1 PC terminal

    Because the "Type" field was hidden when editing the component, it is not available in the default preview. Click the "Quick setup" button, check "Type", do not check "signing time", and click "OK", as shown in the following figure:


    See section 1.2 of this document for details.

    Similarly, you can hide or display indicator fields.

    2.2.2 Mobile terminal


    2.3 Precautions

    • Hidden fields do not participate in the calculation. However, filtering and sorting operations to the filtered fields still take effect.

    • If there is a drillthrough directory and this field is hidden, the whole drillthrough directory is hidden, including all fields in the directory.

    • When exporting excel, hidden fields are not exported.

    3. Example 2: switching field order

    Note: mobile terminal is not supported.

    Click the "Quick setup" button "image.png" and check "signing time" and "Type" to see the contract amount of various contract types in different years. As shown in the figure below:


    If the user needs to take the contract type as the highest level dimension when viewing the dashboard, just drag the fields to adjust the order and click "OK", as shown in the following figure:

    切换字段顺序 (1).png

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