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Visualized Filtering Introduction

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Application

    Filtering is an essential part of analyzing data.

    This article introduces many ways to filter the data in charts and tables. It also introduces how to display interactive filters in the component, and set the filter condition format in the chart.

    1.2 Function Introduction

    There are four types of filtering when making dashboards:

    Filter component, detail filter, filter in analysis area, and result filter.




    Filter type



    Filter component

    First filter out the unnecessary data in the "raw data", and then use only the necessary data for dashboard calculations.


    Detail filter of area to be analyze



    • chart attribute filter in the analysis area

    • field filter in the analysis area


    • table header filter in the analysis area

    • field filter in the analysis area

    Filter the calculated data (summary result) and display the required data.


    Result filter

    2. How to select filters

    2.1 Filter component

    2.1.1 Condition

    Filter components can be used in the following situations:

    The filter component can be used to achieve interactive filtering of other components, and the filter component can be used when the component that needs to be filtered can be "dynamically changed".

    Multiple components need to be filtered at the same time.

    The original data needs to be filtered.

    2.1.2 Example

    When we want to filter the "inventory", "entry", "discharge" and "warehouse storage" result of "Category 1", we can add a filter component on category, and check 1 in the filter to get the result dashboard.


    2.2 Detail filter

    Note: Only the indicator field supports filtering.

    2.2.1 Condition

    The detail filtering of the area to be analyzed can be used in the following cases:

    For the setting of a single field in the component, it is necessary to filter out part of the original data content in a certain field.

    When the user only needs a part of the original data of the data table to make a dashboard, he can use the detail filter in the component editing interface to filter out this part of the data, and the excluded data will not participate in the calculation.

    Note: Of course, if you want to filter data in the data table, you can also use self-service data set filtering.

    2.2.2 Example

    When we want to calculate the unit cost of only the product type "appliance", we need first filter the original data, and select the "cost" and "quantity" of only the product type "appliance".

    First we filter on "cost", the condition is [PRODUCTTYPE in fixed value Appliance].



    Then we do the same to the "quantity" field.

    Then you can calculate the unit cost. Create a calculation field, and enter the formula, as shown in the following figure:


    2.2.3 Note

    Detail filtering In the two cases: "multi-indicator detail filtering" and "multiple fields set detail filter on the same field", the value that does not meet the filtering conditions is displayed as empty, but the entire row will be retained.


    2.3 Filter in analysis area

    Analysis area filtering can be selected in the following situations:

    Filter the calculated data or calculation results in the dashboard.

    For example, if we want to filter on the calculated unit cost (using aggregation functions), and retain only those with unit cost greater than 5.

    Click on the drop-down list of the unit cost field in the analysis area, select filter and set conditions.



    And you will get the filter result.


    2.4 Result filter

    Result filters can be used in the following situations:

    Need to use a certain field to filter but do not want to display the field in the chart or table component, and need to filter the results of the data calculated.

    Take the example in 2.3, if we want to retain only the data of "Appliance" product type, we may use the result filter. Drag the field "PRODUCTTYPE" into the result filter, and add a condition:



    3. Multiple filtering conditions and multiple filtering functions mixed

    • When there are multiple "filter conditions", the filtering results are taken as the intersection.

    • When there are multiple filtering functions at the same time, first perform "filter component filter" and "detailed filter", and the filter results are intersected; then perform "result filter" filtering and "analysis area filtering", and the filter results are also intersected.

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