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Custom Picture Drill

  • Recent Updates: April 25, 2022
  • 1.Overview

    1.1 Version

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    1.2 Expected effect

    Carry out the shopping mall map into the custom classification of the regional stores to realize the custom drill map. For example, divide each store in a shopping mall into six comprehensive areas to realize the custom drill level of "MALL MAP> Comprehensive area of Building 1> STORENAME". As shown below:

    1.3 Implementation ideas

    First, create a map by creating geographic information, and then bind the custom map and the corresponding geographic data in the dataset to achieve this function when making the drill map.

    For details of custom map making, please refer to: Geographic Information.

    For details of map drill, please refer to: map drill.

    2. Make a custom map

    For the custom map and data used in the example, please refer to: Shopping Mall Map Drilling Picture and Data Sheet.rar.

    2.1 New hierarchical directory

    The level of the directory corresponds to the drill-through relationship of the map.

    1) Create a new directory. Open "Manage>Map Configuration>Custom Pictures", and save the picture to the "Custom Pictures" directory. Click "+" to add new directory. Edit the name of the added custom picture directory. Set as "MALL MAP", click "OK" to complete the directory setting. As shown below:


    2) Create the next level directory of the new shopping mall map. Click "MALL MAP>+" to add new catalog, the steps are the same as above. As shown below:


    2.2 Import custom pictures

    Select the directory you just created, and click "Save" after importing the picture. As shown below:

    3 (1).png

    Similarly, import the drill level pictures under the directory of the comprehensive area  of Building 1 map, and click "Save" to complete the editing of the geographic information directory. Please refer to Chapter 2 of this article for the custom map download used in the example.

    2.3 Draw a map

    2.3.1 Draw the map boundary

    Choose "MALL MAP>+(Enlarge the map)>Polygon", choose a point as the starting point, and stroke according to the boundary line of the border province of East China. If the stroke is wrong, you can click to delete the last drawn point to delete. The last point needs to coincide with the starting point to complete the drawing of East China. As shown below:


    2.3.2 Set area name

    When you finish drawing the shape, you will be prompted to enter the area name and center point (the location where the label is displayed). The area name is consistent with the corresponding geographic information in the data set. After entering the information, click "Save". Then finish the first area drawing, as shown below:


    Note: The area name in the custom map matches the data under the field that needs geographic role conversion, otherwise the drill-through effect cannot be achieved. For details, please refer to section 3.3 of this article.

    Next, draw the map boundaries of each area in turn, set the area name, and complete the map of the shopping mall; repeat the same steps to complete the map of the comprehensive area of Building 1.

    2.4 Effect preview

    The effect of making shopping mall map information is shown in the figure below:


    • The map information of the comprehensive area of building 1 is made as shown in the following figure:


    3. Making the components

    3.1 Add data

    Add a custom data drill table. Open "Data Preparation> Data List> Package", and click "Add Table> EXCEL Dataset," as shown below:


    For details on the steps of adding an EXCEL table, please refer to: Adding an EXCEL Dataset; For the download of the EXCEL table used in the example, please refer to Chapter 2 of this article.

    3.2 Create component

    After the addition is complete, click the "MALLMAPINFO" table to preview the data, click "Create component", enter the information of the dashboard where the component is located, and click "OK" to complete the operation, as shown below:


    3.3 Set geographic roles

    1) Convert the target field into geographic role. For example, if you want to create and analyze the sales data drilled from the shopping mall area to the stores in each comprehensive area, convert the "AREA" field under the dimension to be analyzed into geographic role, click "AREA>Geographic role>Custom Picture", as shown below:


    2) Select the directory where the custom picture is located. Click the custom picture drop-down box, and select the hierarchical directory "MALL MAP" that matches the field of the geographic role to be converted. Region match will automatically match the field data and map region name. Click "OK" to complete the role conversion, as shown below:

    11_副本 (1).png

    3) According to the above steps, select the next level drill map corresponding to the "STORENAME" field to match the area, and complete the conversion of the "STORENAME" field into geographic role. After converting the two fields of "SHORNAME" and "AREA" into geographic roles, the latitude and longitude fields are generated respectively, and the effect is shown in the following figure:


    3.4 Set drill directory

    1) After the latitude and longitude fields are converted, drag the "STORENAME" field to the "AREA" field, as shown in the figure below:


    2) Create a drill directory of "AREA,STORENAME". Drag the fields to the overlap to automatically generate the name of the drill directory, and click "OK" to save, as shown below:


    3) The "AREA" and "STORENAME" are also automatically generated with the latitude and longitude drill-down fields, which is entitled as "AREA,STORENAME(Longitude)" and "AREA,STORENAME(Latitude)", as shown in the following figure:


    3.5 Set the chart

    1) Drag the two fields of "AREA,STORENAME(Longitude)" and "AREA,STORENAME(Latitude)" into the horizontal and vertical axis respectively, and select the "Area Map" for the chart type, as shown below:


    2) The chart shows that the shopping mall areas that the stores cover, but the drilling effect has not yet been achieved. We need to drag the created drill catalog field "AREA" to the "Graphic Properties" (drag in one of the "color", "tag", "prompt" and "fine-grained" is sufficient). For example, drag the field under the "color" to complete the drill, as shown below:


    3) Design the style according to the needs of users. For example, uncheck the "Legend" under the "component style", as shown below:


    Select "Graphic Properties> Color" and click "Area" to select the color scheme. Drag the "AREA" field into the tag, and drag the "SALES" indicator field into the prompt. Click to enter the dashboard when finished, as shown below:


    3.6 Effect preview

    See section 1.2 of this article for the custom map drilling effect.

    The completed dashboard can be found in: Shopping Mall Map Information Sheet.

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