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Task Schedule FAQ

Ⅰ. Overview

When the scheduled task execution fails, there will be a question mark on the right side of the corresponding log in the "Task Execution Details" of "Run Monitoring". When the mouse is clicked, the corresponding error message will be displayed. As shown below:

This article introduces some errors and solutions in timed scheduling tasks .


Ⅱ. The file name is too long and the attachment generation fails

Error message:

error message is Result file creation failed: (attachment name) , as shown in the following figure:


This usually results in a file not found error during subsequent attachment processing tasks (such as email sending, etc.), or the size of the sent attachment is 0kb, etc.

Cause Analysis:

When the scheduled task is executed, it will generate attachments in .cpr, .pdf, .xls and other formats. The file names of these attachments come from the "File Name" in the scheduled task settings, as shown in the following figure:


The file name can use a formula here. The actual file name after calculation may exceed the limit of the file name length of the operating system (generally about 255), resulting in the failure of file generation.

Note: For the formulas that can be used in timing scheduling, please refer to: Formulas supported by timing scheduling


Modify the scheduled task settings to use a shorter file name.

Ⅲ. Dataset configuration error

Error message:

error message is that the data set is configured incorrectly Query: wait millis xxxxx, active xx, maxActive xxxx , as shown in the following figure:


Cause Analysis:

When the template calculation is scheduled to be executed on a regular basis, the data connection used by the template needs to be connected to fetch the data. When the connection times out, a data set configuration error will be reported.


Enter the data decision system as an administrator, click "Manage > Data Connection", enter the data connection used by the template in the scheduled task, and increase the "Maximum Waiting Time" under "Advanced Settings". An example is shown below:


Ⅳ. Scheduled task timeout

Error message:

error message is TimeoutException , as shown in the following figure:


Cause Analysis:

When the scheduled task is executed for more than 5 minutes (default), the above prompt will appear. The above prompt will not interrupt the task execution. If the subsequent execution of the task succeeds, the success log will be recorded normally.


The super administrator can turn off the timeout prompt or extend the time for the timeout prompt to appear through the "fine_conf_entity visual configuration plug-in". The settings take effect after restarting the server.

Note: Please refer to the FINE_CONF_ENTITY visualization configuration for the method of modifying the field values of the FineDB database table. 

configuration item


Modify the rules


Set the time for the scheduled task to exceed the time, the default is 5 minutes, the unit is milliseconds

If forwarding such as Nginx is configured, the forwarding timeout time configured in Nginx cannot be exceeded.

The parameter value must be a positive long integer

The default value is 300000


Whether to enable the monitoring log timeout reminder for the scheduled task

Cancelling the timeout check and reminder does not affect the execution process of the task itself

2020-01-15 and later JAR support

The parameter value needs to be a boolean, the default is false

false: Scheduled tasks do not enable monitoring log timeout reminders

true: The scheduled task enables the monitoring log timeout reminder

Ⅴ. Email sending error

1. 535 Error: authentication failed

Error message:

error message is 535 Error: authentication failed , as shown in the following figure:


Cause Analysis:

The username or password to connect to the SMTP server is incorrect.


Check the username and password for connecting to the SMTP server. Note that for most mailboxes, the username and password of the SMTP server are different from the username and password for logging in to the mailbox, which are generally configured on the settings page of the mailbox.

2. Couldn't connect to host

Error message:

error message is Couldn't connect to host (timeout may be other values) , as shown in the following figure:


Cause Analysis:

Unable to connect to the SMTP server for network reasons.


Check whether the configured SMTP server address and port are correct and can be connected. You can ping the address to get the ip, and then "telnet ip port" to confirm whether it can be connected.

1) First make sure that the address and port of the mail server filled in are correct, and send a test email. If the test mail cannot be sent successfully, it means that there is a problem with the mail server. Please go to the mail client to confirm again.

2) If the mail server test sends mail successfully, but occasionally some tasks fail, and the same error is reported, the possible reason is that the network is not smooth at that time, and the mail server cannot be connected.

3) Or the concurrency of the mailbox server is too large, causing the server to be in a state of unresponsiveness and thus unable to connect to the server.

Either improve the performance of the mailbox server, or separate the task of sending emails from the project, and do not send them concurrently to a time period.

3. Invalid Addresses

Error message:

error message is Invalid Addresses , as shown in the following figure:


Cause Analysis:

If the recipient (or CC, BCC) contains an invalid email address, the specific address will also be prompted, such as notexist12345@163.com in the picture above .


1) Check and delete invalid email addresses in recipients (or cc, bcc).

2) If there are many recipients in the scheduled task and it is difficult to troubleshoot, you can check "Generate results individually by user".

In the operation monitoring information, it can be seen that only invalid recipients will fail, and other normal users will succeed in sending, and the invalid recipients can be removed or modified correctly.


4. response: 421

Error message:

com.fr.schedule.output.EmailException: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: SMTP.163.com, port: 25, response: 421;

Cause Analysis:

  • There is a problem with the mailbox server address and port configuration.

  • The SMTP host has reached the maximum number of connections.


  • Please check the recipient and the mail administrator whether the mail server of the recipient is working properly.

  • The recipient SMTP host is refusing service because it has exceeded its maximum capacity. This can be solved by increasing the frequency of the SMTP server or splitting the task.

5. com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 554

Error message:

com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 554

Cause Analysis:

Mail servers treat mail as spam.


Since each mailbox has an anti-spam function, the rules are different.

1) First of all, it is recommended to open the "trash box" of the mailbox to retrieve the mail.

2) Add the sender's email address to the "address book" of the mailbox to prevent it from being misjudged as spam.

Ⅵ. SMTP server error

Error message:

When a scheduled task sends an email, when the number of recipients is large, the SMTP server reports an error, and the error message contains the words too many recipients , as shown in the following figure:


Cause Analysis:

The platform is responsible for sending email information (recipient, cc, bcc, subject, body, etc.) to the SMTP server, and the SMTP server sends emails based on these information, and the platform itself does not send actual emails;

The actual cause of this error is that the number of "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" mailboxes exceeds the limit of the SMTP server, and the limit of different SMTP servers may be different.


Option 1: Reduce the number of users in the default user group. Since the number of users limited by different SMTP servers may be different, it is recommended that the number of users be within 500.

Option 2: To increase the SMTP server's restrictions on recipients, the client's SMTP server administrator needs to modify it. Since different SMTP servers have different modification methods, this article does not provide modification methods for the time being.

Ⅶ. The email is sent successfully but the email is not received

Error message:

There is no error message, and the operation monitoring shows that the email was sent successfully, but it was not actually received.

Cause Analysis:

The reason is generally that the mail delivered by the SMTP server is rejected by the recipient's mailbox. You can log in to the mailbox corresponding to the SMTP service (that is, the mailbox configured in "System Management") to check whether there are any bounce-related emails.


Check the reason for the bounce according to the bounce rules of the corresponding mailbox.

Ⅷ. Mailbox thread limit

Error message:

The mailbox type is Outlook mailbox, and the error is reported: STOREDRV.ClientSubmit; sender thread limit exceeded

Cause Analysis:

Microsoft only supports 3 threads to send emails concurrently at the same time. If more than 3 threads are sent, the above exception will be thrown. Outlook mailboxes have this limitation by default.

10.0 The emails sent by the regularly scheduled mailboxes are multi-threaded, so there may be cases where the number of threads exceeds 3.


For the report server whose JAR package version is after 2019-08-16, the super administrator can modify the maximum number of threads of the timing scheduling module through the "fine_conf_entity visual configuration plug-in".

According to Microsoft's restrictions, changing the value of QuartzConfig.threadCount to 3 or less can avoid the failure of timed scheduling due to thread overrun.

The settings take effect after restarting the server.

Note: For the method of modifying the field value of the FineDB database table, please refer to the modification of common table fields in FineDB .

configuration item

Modify the rules


The parameter value must be a positive integer

Default is 100

Ⅸ. Attachment is garbled

Problem Description:

In the Linux system, the object type in the scheduled task "Scheduling Object" is BI template , the PDF file in the attachment is garbled in Chinese, and the chart components and table components are also garbled in Chinese.

Cause Analysis:

The system does not have Chinese fonts installed.


After the system installs the corresponding fonts, the files exported by the regular schedule are normal.

Ⅹ. E-mail body space display problem

Problem Description:

Multiple spaces in the message body content are merged into one, and the space at the beginning of the line is not displayed.


If you need to enter a space at the beginning of the line in the message body, or enter multiple spaces in a row, replace these spaces with the same number of " &nbsp  ". As shown below:


Ⅺ. The result link cannot be jumped normally

Problem Description:

When setting a timed task to send an email, check "Text with result link" in "Email Notification", click the result link in the email, and the error will appear. The content of the error message: Sorry, you cannot view the page, if you need access, please contact the administrator

As shown below:


Cause Analysis:

It may be that the user has checked "Clean up when the task ends" in the "Scheduled Object" step.


Uncheck "Clear when the task ends", and check any one of "Retain only the most recent", "Retain only the last 5 times", "Do not clean up", and "Customize".

Ⅻ. Mail sending fails after migrating FineDB database

Problem Description:

The scheduled task sends emails, but there is no "running monitoring", and no text messages are received. The background error is reported:

couldn't store job:Packet for query is too large (35045785>4194304).You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet' variable.

As shown below:


Cause Analysis:

The user migrates the built-in FineDB database to the local MySQL database. If the value of "max_allowed_packet" in the local MySQL database is set too small, it will fail to write to the database after a single record exceeds the limit, and subsequent records will also fail to be written.


Option One:

Change the "max_allowed_packet = 1M" in the [mysqld] field in the "my.ini" file in the MySQL installation directory to 500M , and then restart MySQL.

Option II:

1) Use the "set global max_allowed_packet = 524288000;" statement to set the value of "max_allowed_packet" to 500 M.

2) Use the "show VARIABLES like '%max_allowed_packet%';" statement to check whether the modification is successful.

XIII. The project shares the FineDB database, causing the execution of the scheduled task to fail

Problem Description:

1) It is normal for scheduled tasks to be executed manually, such as executing them once, and the tasks that have just been created are executed immediately.

2) Scheduled tasks are executed regularly, occasionally not executed or not executed all the time, but the next execution time of the task changes normally.

3) The scheduled task is executed regularly, and the email is sent successfully, but the attachment is 0kb.

4) In the operation monitoring, there is no record of the time point when the scheduled task is not executed, and the background log does not see the log and error report at this time point.

Cause Analysis:

Multiple projects are connected to the same FineDB database, resulting in the scheduled execution of scheduled scheduling, which may be executed to other projects.

Troubleshooting steps:

1) Check how many machines are connected to the platform's FineDB database

Use the corresponding SQL statement to query how many machines are connected to the finedb database. When there are multiple machines connected, check whether there are deployment projects on other machines.

  • MySQL:

select * from information_schema.processlist where DB like '% migrated database name%';

  • Oracle:

select sid,serial#,username,program,machine,terminal,osuser,process,client_info from v$session where username is not null order by username,program,machine;

  • SqlServer:

select t2.name, t3.client_net_address, t1.host_name, t1.login_time, t1.status, t1.last_request_start_time from master.sys.dm_exec_sessions t1 inner join master.dbo.SYSDATABASES t2 on t1.database_id=t2.dbid inner join master .sys.dm_exec_connections t3 on t1.session_id=t3.session_id where t2.name = 'database name';

2) Check whether there are multiple containers running the platform under the machine

Use ps -ef | grep java to check whether there are multiple containers under the server to open the report project, if so, check the corresponding finedb database one by one

3) Check the virtual directory configuration

Only containers that can configure virtual directories, such as Tomcat and Resin.

The webroot project under webapps will be automatically started by tomcat. If a virtual directory is configured to point to this webroot, it will be started twice.

  • conf/server.xml to see if docBase points to the Context of webroot.

  • Is there an xml file pointing to the webroot under conf/Catalina/localhost

XIV. Timeout error

Problem Description:

Scheduled scheduling to send emails fails, and the error is as follows:

com.fr.restriction.MemoryAlarmException: Sorry, the sql execution time is too long to trigger the protection mechanism, please try again later. If you are an administrator, you can change this limit in Smart Operation - Memory Management - Template Limit.


Turn off all template restrictions

XV. Email result link URL starts with localhost

Problem Description:

In the "Scheduling Object" step of the scheduled task, select "Report Template" for "Object Type", select "Email Notification" for the processing method in the "File Processing" step, and select "Body and Result Link" in "Email Content Settings". . The received mail clicks the result link, and the link URL starts with localhost . As shown below:


Users want localhost to be converted to real IP.


1) Change the URL of the data decision system to the actual IP, for example: http://ip:port/project name/decision , as shown in the following figure:


2) Create a new scheduled task on the platform or re-edit and save the previous task, click the result link in the email, and the beginning of the link URL will change. As shown below:


XVI. Scheduled tasks are always executed in advance/delay by a fixed number of hours

Problem Description:

Scheduled tasks are always executed a few hours in advance/delay, and the value is constant, usually 8 hours, etc.

Cause Analysis:

First, check whether the time zone of the machine where FineDB is located is correct. For Windows, use tzutil /g in the command prompt, and the output of China Standard Time is normal. For Linux, use date -R in Bash, and it is normal if the echo contains +0800.

Next, check whether the time zone of the machine where the platform project is located is correct. The method is the same as above.

Finally, check whether the JVM time zone of the project where the platform is located is correct. You can create a new class Test with the following code, compile it into a Test.class file, upload it to the machine where the platform project is located, and execute java Test . If Asia/Shanghai is displayed, it is correct.

import java.util.TimeZone;
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args) {

The specific time zone echoed above is based on the actual time zone of the customer.


If the machine time zone is incorrect, contact the customer to modify the system time zone.

If the JVM time zone is incorrect, you need to add the JVM startup parameter of -Duser.timezone=Asia/Shanghai : if it is a container such as Tomcat to start, add it to the JAVA_OPTS location of the container, which is the same as the -Xmx/-Xms location for setting the memory size; If the designer/installation version BI is started directly, there is designer.vmoptions or finebi.vmoptions in the same directory of the launcher, and the above parameters can be added to it.

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