logdb里面的时间是big int类型,怎么转为时间格式显示啊
赞 0 踩 0 2022-04-28 20:11
1) select todate(time) from fine_record_execute 2) select * from fine_record_execute where todate(time)<'2018-12-18 10:15:26' and todate(time)>'2018-12-17 10:15:26'
赞 0 踩 0 2022-04-29 14:17
赞 0 踩 0 2020-08-11 11:27
赞 0 踩 0 2020-09-21 15:38
4 评论
logdb里面的时间是big int类型,怎么转为时间格式显示啊
赞 0 踩 0 2022-04-28 20:11
1) select todate(time) from fine_record_execute
2) select * from fine_record_execute where todate(time)<'2018-12-18 10:15:26' and todate(time)>'2018-12-17 10:15:26'
赞 0 踩 0 2022-04-29 14:17
赞 0 踩 0 2020-08-11 11:27
赞 0 踩 0 2020-09-21 15:38