You (the admin) can assign Use permission on data connections and data connection folders to manageable users, as shown in the following figure.
After being assigned Use permission on a folder, the user has Use permission on all data connections in that folder.
The user can view this folder, but cannot modify or move the folder, nor create a data connection in this folder.
The user can only:
View the data connection.
Use this data connection in data development tasks.
The fdl_demotest data connection is in the MySQL folder. Alice (a user) wants to use this data connection in a scheduled task.
The steps are described in the following table.
Hierarchical Authorization: If it is not enabled, you cannot assign Use permission on Data Development, Data Pipeline, Data Service, and Data Management.
Scheduled Task Management: If it is not enabled, you cannot assign Management permission on scheduled task folders to common users, causing the inability of common users to create scheduled tasks in the Scheduled Task module.
Data Connection Control: If it is not enabled, you cannot assign Use, Management, and Authorization permission on data connections to users.
Only data development users can use the Data Pipeline, Data Development, Data Service, and O&M functions.
Log in to the FineDataLink project as the admin, choose System Management > User Management, click Platform User, and add the user Alice to Data Development User, as shown in the following figure.
Choose Permission Management > Global Setting as the admin, and enable Hierarchical Authorization, Scheduled Task Management, and Data Connection Control.
Assigning Use Permission on the Data Connection
Assign Alice the Use permission on the fdl_demotest data connection.
Assign the user the Use permission on server datasets as needed.
Assigning Use Permission on Scheduled Task
Assign Alice the Use permission on the Data Development module for her to use the Scheduled Task module, as shown in the following figure.
So far, Alice can access the Scheduled Task module in Data Development after logging in to the FineDataLink project, but cannot create a scheduled task. You need to assign Management permission on a scheduled task folder.
Assigning Permission on the Scheduled Task Folder
Assign Alice the Management permission on the Test folder in Scheduled Task for her to create scheduled tasks in the Test folder.
After logging in to the FineDataLink project, Alice can create scheduled tasks in the Test folder in the Scheduled Task module, and use the fdl_demotest data connection in the scheduled task, as shown in the following figure.
If Alice wants to view the configuration of the fdl_demotest data connection, you can assign Use permission on Data Connection under System Management > All Modules. After that, Alice can access the Data Connection module in System Management, as shown in the following figure.
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