Other Requirements of FineOps Deployment

  • Last update: 2024-04-18
  • Super Admin Deploying FineOps 

    You are advised to use the account with a user ID of 0 and a username of root to upload, decompress, and run the FineKey containerized deployment tool.

    Note: The user whose user ID is 0 but whose username is not root cannot perform the deployment. Rename it to root.

    Configuring Deployment-Required Permissions for Non-Super Admins 

    To upload and decompress the FineKey containerized deployment tool as a non-root user, you need at least permission to upload files to the target folder and execute the tar command. 

    To run the FineKey containerized deployment tool as a non-root user, you need at least permission to execute the following commands: cp, groupadd, gpasswd, systemctl, kill, and sysctl.

    You can use the visudo command to modify a user's sudo permissions (and use the dev command to modify a non-root user's sudo permission).

    root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
    dev     ALL=(root)NOPASSWD: 


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