Chart Interaction Attributes

Chart Linkage
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Chart Data Auto Refresh
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:01-13 11:55      Tag:      Edit:32 Times    |   View:953 Times

Summary:OverviewVersionReport Server Version11.0Application ScenariosChart Monitor Refresh can help[Full Text:]

Drill-down Chart
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:01-09 13:57      Tag:      Edit:29 Times    |   View:1043 Times

Summary:I. Overview1) Click the category or series of the chart to link or jump to the corresponding web repo[Full Text:]

Difference Between Chart Hyperlink and Cell Hyperlink
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:11-11 09:36      Tag:      Edit:4 Times    |   View:517 Times

Summary:I. OverviewThe [Hyperlink] and its subtypes can be selected under the chart interaction attributes an[Full Text:]

Chart Zooming
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:12-21 10:20      Tag:      Edit:41 Times    |   View:504 Times

Summary:I. Overview1) When there are many categories of products to be displayed, the data will be displayed[Full Text:]

Chart Linkage in General Report
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:07-14 15:15      Tag:      Edit:5 Times    |   View:635 Times

Summary:I. Overview1) The chart linkage feature enables users to simply click on a series/category of charts[Full Text:]

Chart Interaction
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:01-06 15:52      Tag:      Edit:26 Times    |   View:740 Times

Summary:I. Overview1) The chart interaction is a special effect chart, which refers to the use of webpage lan[Full Text:]