Chart Axis

"Chart Axis" Doc in this DirectoryThere are 4 docs under this directory.Create a Doc in this Directory
Customize the position of multiple axes
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:12-01 10:21      Tag:      Edit:27 Times    |   View:446 Times

Summary:I. Overview1. Problem descriptionUsers encounter the following problems:I want to have a horizon[Full Text:]

Turn On the Y-axis Of the Chart In Reverse Order
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:12-04 15:28      Tag:      Edit:53 Times    |   View:419 Times

Summary:I. Overview1. Problem descriptionTake the bar chart as an example. The Y-axis data obtained by the qu[Full Text:]

Chart Custom Axis Label Format
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:04-17 13:54      Tag:      Edit:9 Times    |   View:528 Times

Summary:I. Overview1.1 ApplicationThe chart can customize the axis label format. For example, the axis label[Full Text:]

Chart Axis
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:10-21 15:01      Tag:      Edit:12 Times    |   View:717 Times

Summary:I. Overview1) The Chart Axis is a setting under the Chart Style attribute, which is used to modify th[Full Text:]