Fuzzy Query

"Fuzzy Query" Doc in this DirectoryThere are 3 docs under this directory.Create a Doc in this Directory
Fuzzy Query of Drop-down Box/Drop-down Checkbox/Drop-down Tree
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:11-09 20:39      Tag:      Edit:12 Times    |   View:348 Times

Summary:I.Overview 1) Problem descriptionIn some scenarios, we want to use the drop-down check box to se[Full Text:]

Fuzzy query
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:10-21 15:54      Tag:      Edit:26 Times    |   View:544 Times

Summary:I. Overview1)Application ScenariosFuzzy query is a very convenient way to query data that confor[Full Text:]

Text widget fuzzy query keyword highlighting
Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:11-11 18:44      Tag:      Edit:5 Times    |   View:310 Times

Summary:I. Problem descriptionWhen you perform fuzzy query on a report, the fuzzy keywords are highlight[Full Text:]