Global API - FR

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Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:11-10 14:31      Tag:      Edit:18 Times    |   View:557 Times

Summary:VersionReport Server VersionFunctional Change11.0.10Optimized Msg.toast parameter format.11.0.7Added[Full Text:]

Author:ayuan0625      Create Time:11-10 14:29      Tag:      Edit:17 Times    |   View:453 Times

Summary:注:以下为10.0版本文档参考I. FR.ajaxWe all know that JS is the front-end code, which is directly executed by the[Full Text:]

Author:frenadmin1234      Create Time:01-25 17:38      Tag:      Edit:1 Times    |   View:264 Times

Summary:doURLPrint(config), call out the printing tool, print the report, use get to pass the parameter, the[Full Text:]

API Only for Mobile Terminals
Author:frenadmin1234      Create Time:01-25 17:28      Tag:      Edit:0 Times    |   View:279 Times

Summary:The following methods are mobile-specific methods on the FR object .locationMethodlocation([Full Text:]