

JS Click header to sort in the dashboard

  • Last update:  2020-12-16
  • I. Problem overview

    In the dashboard, you want to click the title to sort, and you can refresh the report block.

    II. Solution

    2.1 Single column sort

    You can decide whether to sort ascending or descending according to the parameter value. This idea can also be implemented here. Define a parameter. If the parameter value is 1, it will be sorted in ascending order. When the parameter value is 0, the data column will be sorted in ascending order according to the negative number of the data column. That is, the data column will be sorted in descending order; and refresh the report block according to different parameter values.

    2.2 Multi-column sort

    Set the expanded sorting formula for the leftmost cell; Each time the title is clicked, the report is assigned a value to achieve the effect of dynamic sorting.   

    III. Example 1: Single column sort

    3.1 Report design

    Create a new dashboard and drag into the report block to create a new data query ds1: 

    SELECT * FROM ORDERS limit 15

    Drag in the order ID field to set the report block style, as shown in the figure below:


    3.2 Set up hyperlink

    Right click on cell A2, add hyperlink-JavaScript, add parameter a, the value is the formula: if($a = 1, 0, 1) , as shown in the figure below:  

    image (1).png


    var re=_g().getWidgetByName("report0");


    3.3 Set sorting

    Double-click cell A3, select Advanced, and select ascending order in the sort order , the formula value is if($a==1,$$$,$$$*-1) , as shown in the figure below:  

    image (2).png

    3.4 Preview effect

    Save the template, and the preview effect is shown in the figure below:

    2020-10-16 15.09.10.gif

    IV. Example 2: Multi-column sort

    4.1 Data preparation

    Create a new dashboard and add dataset ds1: 


    4.2 Report design

    Drag in a report block, and the report block style setting is shown in the figure below:

    image (3).png

    4.3 Set up hyperlink

    1) Right-click cell A2, add a hyperlink- JavaScript, add JS and add parameters a, the formula is if($a = 1, 0, 1) and flag, the value is 1, as shown in the following figure:   

    image (4).png


    var re = _g().getWidgetByName("report0"); re.gotoPage(1, "{a:" + a + ",flag:" + flag + "}", true);

    2) In the same way, add a hyperlink- JavaScript to cell D2 , add JS and add parameters b (if($a = 1, 0, 1)) and flag (2), as shown in the figure below: 

    image (5).png


    var re = _g().getWidgetByName("report0"); re.gotoPage(1, "{b:" + b + ",flag:" + flag + "}", true);

    Note: Set JS for ID and height respectively to pass parameters to report block report0. Here use a, b and flag parameters to distinguish which title is clicked and the number of clicks.

    4.4 Set sorting

    Select cell A2, set cell attributes, select ascending order at the expanded sort, and the formula value is if($flag = 1, if($a = 1, A2, -A2), if($b = 1, D2, D2*-1)) as shown in the figure below:  

    image (6).png

    Note: Use the if statement to judge the flag value, and then judge the parameter values of a, b, and c to achieve the corresponding cell data to sort.


    4.5 Set formula

    If the A3 cell of the hyperlink is a string type number, and you need to sort it and need to convert it to a number type, double-click the A3 cell, click Advanced, in the custom display, change the value to the formula: TOINTEGER($$$) 

    image (7).png

    If you need to sort the date type data, use tointeger(format(I2, "yyyyMMddHHmmss") to convert it to a number type for sorting.


    4.6 Preview effect

    Click the preview, the effect is shown in the figure below:

    2020-10-16 15.25.12.gif

    Ⅴ. Download template

    5.1 Example 1: Single column sort

    Example 1 Single column sort.frm

    5.2 Example 2: Multi-column sort

    Example 2 Multi-column sort.frm

    Attachment List

    Theme: Dashboard
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