[App] Template Sharing

  • Last update:September 13, 2024
  • Overview



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    V 11.0




    Supported the Note Sharing function for the FineVis Data Visualization plugin of V2.5.1 and later versions.

    Function Description

    When you view templates in the app, the sharing function is supported, including Note Sharing and Export Image.

    • Note Sharing: You can mark templates with better user experience and share templates with others.

    • Export Image: You can export a template as a long image and share it with others.


    1. The Export Image function is supported only in Android systems of 6.0 and later versions.

    2. Note Sharing is supported for the FineVis Data Visualization plugin of V2.5.1 and later versions. Export Image is not support for the FineVis Data Visualization plugin currently.

    Note Sharing

    Enabling the Note Function

    • Open any template in the app, click the icon at the bottom, and click Note Sharing.

    • Note Sharing allows you to input texts, add emojis, and clear notes, improving usability and interactivity.

    [App]模板分享功能 图1.png


    Only Note Sharing is supported for FVS dashboards. The following figure shows the entry.

    [App]模板分享功能 图2.jpg

    Note Operation

    Manual Input

    Manual input allows you to adjust the text color and thickness.

    [App]模板分享功能 图3.png

    Keyboard Input

    Keyboard input allows you to adjust the text color and size, and enter texts by tapping the screen.

    In editing mode, you can drag and move the editing box during which the size of the editing box remains unchanged. If part of the editing box is moved outside the screen, the texts will be truncated.

    [App]模板分享功能 图4.gif

    Adding Emojis

    You can select an emoji and tap the screen to add the emoji.

    [App]模板分享功能 图5.png

    Clearing Notes

    You can undo or retore added notes. You can also click the clearance icon to clear all notes.

    [App]模板分享功能 图6.png


    You can click the sharing icon in the upper right corner to share a noted image with others. The image contains only the content displayed on the current screen.

    For mobile devices (phones and tablets), templates are shared preferrentially to email boxes, WeChat/WeCom, DingTalk, WeLink, LINE, QQ, and SMS inboxes.

    [App]模板分享功能 图7.jpg

    Exporting as Long Images

    Open any template, click the  icon, and select Export Image to export the template as a long image.

    After the image is exported, you can click the sharing icon in the upper right corner to share the image with others.

    [App]模板分享功能 图8.png

    For example, share the template as an image to WeChat. The following figure shows the effect.

    [App]模板分享功能 图9.png


    For dashboards, the Export Image function allows only content at the body level to be exported, involving no screenshots within components. Therefore, the Export Image function is not supported in following scenarios:

    1. For a single component, only the content within the current screen range is captured.

    2. The Export Image function is not available when you zoom in on a component or turn your screen horizontally.

    3. If the content of a single container (absolute canva, tab, iframe, or horizontal layout) is out of your screen, only the content within the current screen range is captured when you do not scroll down during image capture.

    In addition, the homepage cannot be exported as a long image.

    Attachment List

    Theme: Fine Mobile
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