

JS Realize the Effect of Marque in a Report Block

  • Last update:  2020-12-16
  • I. Overview

    1.1 Requirement

    When designing a large-screen report block, we hope to realize the effect of marquee on text. Generally marquee can be realized by “HTML+JS” on a single row of text. How can we enable the effect of marquee to work on a whole report block as shown in the figure below?


    1.2 Solution

    Hide scrollbars and realize the effect of marquee by defining an After Initialization event for a report block. The solution has the following characteristics:

    1) When marquee works on multiple report blocks, it can pause on each report block separately.

    2) If any row of a report block is frozen, the effect of marquee remains unaffected.

    3) If a custom scrollbar is installed, the effect of marquee remains unaffected.

    II. Sample

    2.1 Create a new template

    2.1.1 Create a new data connection

    Create a new dashboard and a new dataset ds1 by inputting the following SQL statement:


    See the figure below:

    2.1.2 Design report style

    Create a new report block report0 in the style shown below:

    2.1.3 Freeze the title row

    Select the report block report0, click [Edit] and freeze the No.1 row, as shown in the figure below:

    2.2 Add an After Initialization event

    Select the report block report0 and add an After Initialization event, as shown in the figure below:

    Input the following JS codes:

    setTimeout(function() {
        var $report = $("div[widgetname=REPORT0]");     //Get the div element of the corresponding report
        var $scroll = $report.find("#frozen-center");     //As the report block contains a frozen row, get the object to be scrolled through #frozen-center
        var flag = window.flag0;     //Set a global parameter flag to mark the pause or operating state of scrolling. If marquee works on multiple report blocks, then the flag for each report block should be different
        $report.find("#frozen-center").css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
        $report.find("#frozen-center").css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
        $report.find("#frozen-north").css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
        $report.find("#frozen-north").css('overflow-y', 'hidden');     //Hide scrollbars if there is any frozen row or column
        $report.find(".reportContent").css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
        $report.find(".reportContent").css('overflow-x', 'hidden');     //Hide scrollbars if there is no frozen row or column
        flag = true; //Scroll by default
        $scroll.mouseover(function() {
            flag = false; //If the mouse is hovered over the report block, then scrolling stops
        $scroll.mouseleave(function() {
            flag = true;  //If the mouse leaves, then scrolling resumes
        var old = -1;
        setInterval(function() {
            if (flag) {
                currentpos = $scroll[0].scrollTop;
                 //Get the distance from the scrolling object to the top
                 if (currentpos == old) {
                    $scroll[0].scrollTop = 0; //Reset if the bottom is reached
                } else {
                    old = currentpos;
                    $scroll[0].scrollTop = currentpos + 1.5;
                    //Move 1.5 pixels downward if the bottom is not reached
        }, 25);    //Execute at the frequency of 1.5 pixels downward per 25ms
    }, 500);

    Users have to make the following modifications on their own:



    var $report = $("div[widgetname=REPORT0]")

    1) REPORT0 should be modified according to the name of a report block

    2) The name of a report block should be capitalized, for example, the report block report0 in the Sample should be written as REPORT0.

    var $scroll = $report.find("#frozen-center")

    The scroll slider element should be modified as needed:

    #frozen-center: there is freeze in a report block

    .reportContent: there is no freeze or custom scrollbar plugin in a report block

    .scrollDiv: there is no freeze in a report block but a custom scrollbar plugin is installed

    var flag = window.flag0

    If there are multiple marquee-containing report blocks in a template, which are set as flag0, flag1, flag2, …, respectively

    Global variables should be different from each other, or pause of marquee on a single report block cannot be realized.


    If the desired effect is not realized due to slow loading, we may appropriately adjust the delay defined by the delay function setTimeout.

    2.3 Preview

    Save the template, click [Preview] to see the marquee effect of the report block report0, as depicted in 1.1 Requirement.


    III. Download the template

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