[General] Mobile Parameter Panel Style

  • Last update:July 19, 2024
  • Overview


    Report Server VersionApp VersionHTML5 Mobile Display Plugn VersionFunction Change

    Supported customizing the number of 

    widgets displayed on the top parameter 

    panel. For details, see sections "Auto 

    Query After Widget Value Being Edited" 

    and "Number of Widgets Displayed."

    Supported displaying background on top 

    parameter panel. For details, see section "Top Parameter Panel Background."

    Application Scenario

    When creating a report, you want to pin the parameter widgets at the top for easy parameter querying.


    Implementation Method

    In a general report/dashboard, you can set Style Pattern of the parameter panel on mobile terminals to Top.

    In a FineVis visualization dashboard, you can set Style of the query panel to Top Widget Panel.

    Function Entry

    General Report

    1. Click the 516cdc0b457020e64f5c16176f22567.png button to go to the parameter panel editing page, choose para > Mobile Terminal on the Component Settings panel, and click the 429641adbe7c43e61f2ce8c30b8329c.png button right next to Style Pattern.

    2. Select Default or Top in the pop-up style pattern setting box.


    1. The parameter panel for general reports/dashboards on mobile terminals does not support label widget displaying.

    2. After you add the parameter page in a dashboard, you can configure the settings by choosing para > Mobile Terminal on the right Component Settings panel.


    FineVis Visualization Dashboard

    The style pattern can be set on the query panel of mobile terminals with the FineVis Data Visualization plugin of V2.8.0 and later versions.

    Click the 366be56e05f5ea9071b7d0e8b3df94b.png icon to switch the template to the mobile terminal mode, click Query Panel Setting, select Enable Query Panel in the pop-up box, and click Style.


    Template Preparation

    The effect in a general report is the same as that in a dashboard, while the effect is different in a FineVis visualization dashboard. This document provides .cpt and .fvs templates for effect displaying.

    Parameter Query-phone.cpt

    FVS Parameter Query-phone.fvs

    Default Style

    Effect Example

    In the app, for example, if you want to achieve a query, you need to click the filtering button below the template to open the parameter panel, edit the widget value, and click Query to perform data query.

    The following figure shows the effect on a general report.


    The following figure shows the effect on a FineVis visualization dashboard.


    Widget Initialization Display Rules

    When you select Default on the parameter panel of a mobile terminal, the widget content will be displayed in two parts, top and bottom.

    The widget name is displayed at the top.

    The widget content is displayed at the bottom, with the priority given to default value > watermark > empty value.

    Label Name and Widget Value in the general report/dashboard correspond to Name and Default in the FineVis visualization dashboard.



    Top Style

    Auto Query After Widget Value Being Edited

    You can select/deselect Auto Query under Mobile Terminal > Style Pattern > Top of a general report/dashboard. You can select/deselect Auto Query After Widget Value Being Edited under Query Panel Setting > Style of a FineVis visualization dashboard.

    For details about Enable Auto Query in a FineVis visualization dashboard, see section "Data Query Initialization."

    When Auto Query/Auto Query After Widget Value Being Edited is deselected, a Query button is added to the top of the panel. You can click the button to query the update after the widget value is edited.

    When Auto Query/Auto Query After Widget Value Being Edited is selected, the update can be queried automatically without a Query button after the widget value is edited.


    Number of Widgets Displayed

    From section "Auto Query After Widget Value Being Edited", you can know there will be no Query button if you select Auto Query/Auto Query After Widget Value Being Edited. Therefore, the maximum number of widgets displayed is 4.

    There will be a Query button if you deselect Auto Query/Auto Query After Widget Value Being Edited. Therefore, the maximum number of widgets displayed is 3You can click the More button to expand the excess widgets for querying.


    In a FineVis visualization dashboard, you can deselect Limit Display Number, allowing you to swipe left or right to display widgets.



    Widget Initialization Display Rules

    1. The following content shows the display priority of the widget content on the top parameter panel:

    General report/dashboard: widget value > watermark > label name > empty value


    FineVis visualization dashboard: default value > name

    You cannot enter an empty value in Name of a FVS widget. Therefore, the widget name cannot display empty content.


    2. The following content shows the display rules when a multi-value widget has multiple values selected and cannot be found with the More button on the top parameter panel:

    General report/dashboard: displaying the first selected value and the number of selected values.


    FineVis visualization dashboard: displaying all the selected values and the number of selected values But if the length exceeds a certain limit, the widget content will be truncated in displaying.


    When the widgets on the top panel can be viewed by scrolling, a single widget has a maximum width (displaying around 6 characters). If a widget's width is shorter than the maximum width, the widget content will be self-adapted in displaying, if a widget's width exceeds the maximum width, the widget content will be truncated in displaying.

    When the number of widgets displayed is limited, the layout of the widgets will be distributed evenly. If the content of a widget cannot be fully displayed, the content is truncated in displaying.


    Top Parameter Panel Background

    1. In a general report/dashboard, the background of the top parameter panel on the mobile terminal follows that on the PC.


    The following figure shows the preview effect.


    2. In a FineVis visualization dashboard, the query panel background of the mobile terminal needs to be set separately. You can only set the color, defaulting to the initial page background color.


    The following figure shows the preview effect.



    Data Query Initialization

    Enable Auto Query under Query Panel Setting > Style of a FineVis visualization dashboard refers to whether querying and displaying the template content when an initialization preview is performed. Enable Auto Query is a shared function between PC and mobile terminals, independent of style patterns.

    If Enable Auto Query is selected, an auto query can be triggered to display the template content during an initialization preview. If Enable Auto Query is deselected, a manual query is needed during an initialization preview.

    You can achieve the above effect on a general report/dashboard by selecting/deselecting Display Nothing Before Query on the parameter panel.


    Text Widget Display Rules

    In a general report/dashboard, if the text widget exists on the parameter panel and the style pattern of the mobile terminal is set to Top, you will only find the text widget with the More button.


    Attachment List

    Theme: Fine Mobile
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