JS Text Snowflakes

  • Last update:  2020-12-17
  • I. Description

    The purpose of this document is to realize the effects of text snowflakes in FineReport. You can modify the code according to your requirements to show what you want to say. The rendering effects are as follows:


    II. Implementation ideas

    Using HTIML5 technology, you can add special effects to text. The code can integrate time, pictures and text.

    III. Steps

    3.1 New template

    1) Create a new normal report in FineReport

    Combine cells in the report, enter HTML code in the cell, and then check Display by HTML, the report design is as shown below:


    The HTML code entered in the cell is as follows:

    <div class="cs">
        <img src="/webroot/scripts/css/black.jpg" id="logo">
    <canvas class="canvas" width="1020" height="800"></canvas>
    <p class="text" style="color: #ed3073;">
       I have lived
       <span id="span_dt_dt"></span>
    <p class="text" style="color: #ed3073;" id="text">
        I hope the rest of my life can be slower
    <span id="span_dt_dt1"></span>

    2) Introduce the picture

    Put the picture black.jpg in the path  FineReport_10.0\webapps\webroot\images. Click to download the picture:


    3.2 Introducing CSS

    Put Text Effect.css in FineReport_10.0\webapps\webroot\css. Click to download the file: 

    Text Effect.css

    Click on the Template > WEB Attributes > Reference Css, select Text Effect.css.


    3.3 Add event

    Select Data Analysis Settings in WEB Attributes, and add the Loading End event.


    The JS code of the event is as follows:

    function show_date_time() {
            window.setTimeout("show_date_time()", 1000);
            BirthDay = new Date("2/23/1996 00:00:00");//This date can be modified
            today = new Date();
            timeold = (today.getTime() - BirthDay.getTime());//Calculate the time difference between today and your birth in milliseconds
            sectimeold = timeold / 1000 //Date converted to seconds
            secondsold = Math.floor(sectimeold);
            msPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
            e_daysold = timeold / msPerDay
            daysold = Math.floor(e_daysold);  //How many days spent
            e_hrsold = (e_daysold - daysold) * 24;
            hrsold = Math.floor(e_hrsold);  //How many hours spent
            e_minsold = (e_hrsold - hrsold) * 60;
            minsold = Math.floor((e_hrsold - hrsold) * 60); //How many minutes spent
            seconds = Math.floor((e_minsold - minsold) * 60); //How many seconds passed
            span_dt_dt.innerHTML = daysold + "d " + hrsold + "h " + minsold + "m " + seconds + "s ";
         //The above modules are mainly for displaying date modules, which can be integrated into other JS codes
        var S = {
            init: function () {
                //Write what you want to say here
                S.UI.simulate("zhuzhu | Thanks| --Kevin|#countdown 3|#time");
                S.Drawing.loop(function () {
        };//The words are written in JSON, making it easy to call the virables and functions
        S.Drawing = (function () {
            var canvas,
                requestFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
                    window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
                    window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
                    window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
                    window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
                    function (callback) {
                        window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
                    };//A method to achieve repeated animation effects, the above package is compatible with all browsers
            return {
                init: function (el) {
                    canvas = document.querySelector(el);
                    context = canvas.getContext('2d');
                    window.addEventListener('resize', function (e) {
                },//Initialize the canvas
                loop: function (fn) {
                    renderFn = !renderFn ? fn : renderFn;
                    requestFrame.call(window, this.loop.bind(this));
                },//Loop animation
                adjustCanvas: function () {
                    canvas.width = window.innerWidth - 100;
                    canvas.height = window.innerHeight - 30;
                },//Make the screen adapt to the canvas
                clearFrame: function () {
                    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
                },//Empty the canvas
                getArea: function () {
                    return {w: canvas.width, h: canvas.height};
                },//Get the canvas length and width
                drawCircle: function (p, c) {
                    context.fillStyle = c.render();
                    context.arc(p.x, p.y, p.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
                }//Draw small circle
        S.UI = (function () {
            var interval,
                maxShapeSize = 30,
                sequence = [],
                cmd = '#';
            function formatTime(date) {
                var h = date.getHours(),
                    m = date.getMinutes(),
                    m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
                return h + ':' + m;
            }//Get hours and minutes
            function getValue(value) {
                return value && value.split(' ')[1];
            }//Split the text
            function getAction(value) {
                value = value && value.split(' ')[0];
                return value && value[0] === cmd && value.substring(1);
            }//Process the text
            function timedAction(fn, delay, max, reverse) {
                currentAction = reverse ? max : 1;
                if (!max || (!reverse && currentAction < max) || (reverse && currentAction > 0)) {
                    interval = setInterval(function () {
                        currentAction = reverse ? currentAction - 1 : currentAction + 1;
                        if ((!reverse && max && currentAction === max) || (reverse && currentAction === 0)) {
                    }, delay);
            function performAction(value) {
                var action,
                sequence = typeof (value) === 'object' ? value : sequence.concat(value.split('|'));
                timedAction(function (index) {
                    current = sequence.shift();
                    action = getAction(current);
                    value = getValue(current);
                    switch (action) {
                        case 'countdown':
                            value = parseInt(value) || 10;
                            value = value > 0 ? value : 10;
                            timedAction(function (index) {
                                if (index === 0) {
                                    if (sequence.length === 0) {
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.letter(index), true);
                            }, 1000, value, true);
                        case 'rectangle':
                            value = value && value.split('x');
                            value = (value && value.length === 2) ? value : [maxShapeSize, maxShapeSize / 2];
                            S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.rectangle(Math.min(maxShapeSize, parseInt(value[0])), Math.min(maxShapeSize, parseInt(value[1]))));
                        case 'circle':
                            value = parseInt(value) || maxShapeSize;
                            value = Math.min(value, maxShapeSize);
                        case 'time':
                            var t = formatTime(new Date());
                            if (sequence.length > 0) {
                            } else {
                                timedAction(function () {
                                    t = formatTime(new Date());
                                    if (t !== time) {
                                        time = t;
                                }, 1000);
                            S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.letter(current[0] === cmd ? 'HacPai' : current));
                }, 2000, sequence.length);
            return {
                simulate: function (action) {
                }//Word processing
        }());//Finally realize word processing, time, countdown and other processing
        S.Point = function (args) {
            this.x = args.x;
            this.y = args.y;
            this.z = args.z;
            this.a = args.a;
            this.h = args.h;
        };//Coordinate method
        S.Color = function (r, g, b, a) {
            this.r = r;
            this.g = g;
            this.b = b;
            this.a = a;
        };//Color method
        S.Color.prototype = {
            render: function () {
                return 'rgba(' + this.r + ',' + +this.g + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.a + ')';
        };//Call color when drawing
        S.Dot = function (x, y) {
            this.p = new S.Point({
                x: x,
                y: y,
                z: 5,
                a: 1,
                h: 0
            this.e = 0.07;
            this.s = true;
            this.c = new S.Color(255, 255, 255, this.p.a);
            this.t = this.clone();
            this.q = [];
        };//small circle method
        S.Dot.prototype = {
            clone: function () {
                return new S.Point({
                    x: this.x,
                    y: this.y,
                    z: this.z,
                    a: this.a,
                    h: this.h
            _draw: function () {
                this.c.a = this.p.a;
                S.Drawing.drawCircle(this.p, this.c);
            _moveTowards: function (n) {
                var details = this.distanceTo(n, true),
                    dx = details[0],
                    dy = details[1],
                    d = details[2],
                    e = this.e * d;
                if (this.p.h === -1) {
                    this.p.x = n.x;
                    this.p.y = n.y;
                    return true;
                if (d > 1) {
                    this.p.x -= ((dx / d) * e);
                    this.p.y -= ((dy / d) * e);
                } else {
                    if (this.p.h > 0) {
                    } else {
                        return true;
                return false;
            _update: function () {
                if (this._moveTowards(this.t)) {
                    var p = this.q.shift();
                    if (p) {
                        this.t.x = p.x || this.p.x;
                        this.t.y = p.y || this.p.y;
                        this.t.z = p.z || this.p.z;
                        this.t.a = p.a || this.p.a;
                        this.p.h = p.h || 0;
                    } else {
                        if (this.s) {
                            this.p.x -= Math.sin(Math.random() * 3.142);
                            this.p.y -= Math.sin(Math.random() * 3.142);
                        } else {
                            this.move(new S.Point({
                                x: this.p.x + (Math.random() * 50) - 25,
                                y: this.p.y + (Math.random() * 50) - 25
                d = this.p.a - this.t.a;
                this.p.a = Math.max(0.1, this.p.a - (d * 0.05));
                d = this.p.z - this.t.z;
                this.p.z = Math.max(1, this.p.z - (d * 0.05));
            distanceTo: function (n, details) {
                var dx = this.p.x - n.x,
                    dy = this.p.y - n.y,
                    d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                return details ? [dx, dy, d] : d;
            move: function (p, avoidStatic) {
                if (!avoidStatic || (avoidStatic && this.distanceTo(p) > 1)) {
            render: function () {
        };//draw small circles
        S.ShapeBuilder = (function () {
            var gap = 13,
                shapeCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
                shapeContext = shapeCanvas.getContext('2d'),
                fontSize = 500,
                fontFamily = 'Avenir, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif';
            function fit() {
                shapeCanvas.width = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / gap) * gap;
                shapeCanvas.height = Math.floor(window.innerHeight / gap) * gap;
                shapeContext.fillStyle = 'red';
                shapeContext.textBaseline = 'middle';
                shapeContext.textAlign = 'center';
            function processCanvas() {
                var pixels = shapeContext.getImageData(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height).data;
                dots = [],
                    x = 0,
                    y = 0,
                    fx = shapeCanvas.width,
                    fy = shapeCanvas.height,
                    w = 0,
                    h = 0;
                for (var p = 0; p < pixels.length; p += (4 * gap)) {
                    if (pixels[p + 3] > 0) {
                        dots.push(new S.Point({
                            x: x,
                            y: y
                        w = x > w ? x : w;
                        h = y > h ? y : h;
                        fx = x < fx ? x : fx;
                        fy = y < fy ? y : fy;
                    x += gap;
                    if (x >= shapeCanvas.width) {
                        x = 0;
                        y += gap;
                        p += gap * 4 * shapeCanvas.width;
                return {dots: dots, w: w + fx, h: h + fy};
            function setFontSize(s) {
                shapeContext.font = 'bold ' + s + 'px ' + fontFamily;
            function isNumber(n) {
                return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
            function init() {
                window.addEventListener('resize', fit);
            // Init
            return {
                imageFile: function (url, callback) {
                    var image = new Image(),
                        a = S.Drawing.getArea();
                    image.onload = function () {
                        shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
                        shapeContext.drawImage(this, 0, 0, a.h * 0.6, a.h * 0.6);
                    image.onerror = function () {
                    image.src = url;
                circle: function (d) {
                    var r = Math.max(0, d) / 2;
                    shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
                    shapeContext.arc(r * gap, r * gap, r * gap, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
                    return processCanvas();
                letter: function (l) {
                    var s = 0;
                    s = Math.min(fontSize,
                        (shapeCanvas.width / shapeContext.measureText(l).width) * 0.8 * fontSize,
                        (shapeCanvas.height / fontSize) * (isNumber(l) ? 1 : 0.45) * fontSize);
                    shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
                    shapeContext.fillText(l, shapeCanvas.width / 2, shapeCanvas.height / 2);
                    return processCanvas();
                rectangle: function (w, h) {
                    var dots = [],
                        width = gap * w,
                        height = gap * h;
                    for (var y = 0; y < height; y += gap) {
                        for (var x = 0; x < width; x += gap) {
                            dots.push(new S.Point({
                                x: x,
                                y: y
                    return {dots: dots, w: width, h: height};
        }());//Add pictures, text, circles and other settings to the canvas
        S.Shape = (function () {
            var dots = [],
                width = 0,
                height = 0,
                cx = 0,
                cy = 0;
            function compensate() {
                var a = S.Drawing.getArea();
                cx = a.w / 2 - width / 2;
                cy = a.h / 2 - height / 2;
            return {
                shuffleIdle: function () {
                    var a = S.Drawing.getArea();
                    for (var d = 0; d < dots.length; d++) {
                        if (!dots[d].s) {
                                x: Math.random() * a.w,
                                y: Math.random() * a.h
                switchShape: function (n, fast) {
                    var size,
                        a = S.Drawing.getArea();
                    width = n.w;
                    height = n.h;
                    if (n.dots.length > dots.length) {
                        size = n.dots.length - dots.length;
                        for (var d = 1; d <= size; d++) {
                            dots.push(new S.Dot(a.w / 2, a.h / 2));
                    var d = 0,
                        i = 0;
                    while (n.dots.length > 0) {
                        i = Math.floor(Math.random() * n.dots.length);
                        dots[d].e = fast ? 0.25 : (dots[d].s ? 0.14 : 0.11);
                        if (dots[d].s) {
                            dots[d].move(new S.Point({
                                z: Math.random() * 20 + 10,
                                a: Math.random(),
                                h: 18
                        } else {
                            dots[d].move(new S.Point({
                                z: Math.random() * 5 + 5,
                                h: fast ? 18 : 30
                        dots[d].s = true;
                        dots[d].move(new S.Point({
                            x: n.dots[i].x + cx,
                            y: n.dots[i].y + cy,
                            a: 1,
                            z: 5,
                            h: 0
                        n.dots = n.dots.slice(0, i).concat(n.dots.slice(i + 1));
                    for (var i = d; i < dots.length; i++) {
                        if (dots[i].s) {
                            dots[i].move(new S.Point({
                                z: Math.random() * 20 + 10,
                                a: Math.random(),
                                h: 20
                            dots[i].s = false;
                            dots[i].e = 0.04;
                            dots[i].move(new S.Point({
                                x: Math.random() * a.w,
                                y: Math.random() * a.h,
                                a: 0.3, //.4
                                z: Math.random() * 4,
                                h: 0
                render: function () {
                    for (var d = 0; d < dots.length; d++) {
        }());//Random distribution, conversion and addition of circles

    Note: There are remarks in the code to note the codes that can be replaced.

    IV. View the Effect

    4.1 PC effect

    Click Data Analysis Preview, the effect is shown at the beginning.

    4.2 Mobile effect

    Note: Mobile terminal is not supported

    5. Completed Template

    Attachment List

    Theme: Secondary Development
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    • Not helpful
    • Only read





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    *Problem Type
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