Cloud Operation Maintenance Instruction

  • Last update:December 14, 2021
  • I. Overview

    1.Upload Methods

    Cloud O&M report supports multiple log uploading modes, meeting the needs of Intranet and Extranet users in various scenarios, as shown follow:

    • Automatically Upload:Users select "Auto Upload", and the Decision-making Platform automatically uploads data for the previous month to the cloud at midnight on the first day of each month. The Cloud center automatically generates an analysis report for the previous month.

    • One-click Upload:Users manually selects the system data for a certain month, clicks "One-click upload", and waits for about 20 minutes.The Cloud Center will automatically generate an analysis report for these months.

    • Manual Upload:the user manually selects the system data of a certain month, clicks "Download log" to download the system log data to the local. Send the log file to the technical support (, after the analysis by Cloud Center, the technical support will feedback the analysis report.


    II.  Install the plugin

    Download the plugin:Please contact technical support( to obtain the plugin.

    Designer & Server plugin installation method reference:Plugin Management

    III. Operation Steps for Extranet Users

    1)Login to the decision-making platform as an administrator, and click Management --> Intelligent Operations --> Cloud Operation Maintenance  to enter the cloud operation  maintenance analysis page.

    2)Read and accepted Cloud O&M data security protection policy

    3)Community Account binding

    • Click [Login], enter the account password login community.

    • After the login is successful, the application name, application ID, and other configuration items are displayed.

    • After an account is bound, you can switch the account.

    4)Log Upload

    Log upload supports two methods:manual upload and automatic upload.

    • Manual upload:select the month of the log file that needs to generate the report, and click [One-click upload].

    • Automatic upload:You need to check [Automatic upload on the 1st day of every month]. After enabling automatic upload, the log files of the complete month of the current month will be automatically uploaded on the 1st of the next month. The historical month will not be uploaded. If you need to upload the historical log, please use One-click upload.

    Tips:If the log upload fails, or the analysis report is not received within 24 hours of the log upload, you can click to download the log and contact the technical support ( .

    5)Email Reminder

    If [Not set] is displayed, click [Edit] and enter the email address for receiving the report.

    6)Check the report

    The analysis report will be sent to the set mailbox in the form of email, click [Report Link] to view it.


    IV. Operation Steps for Intranet Users

    1)Log in to the decision-making platform as an administrator, and click Management --> Intelligent Operations --> Cloud Operation Maintenance  to enter the cloud operation  maintenance analysis page.

    2)Read and accepted Cloud O&M data security protection policy

    3)Set the mailbox

    • When it is not set, the system prompts for mailbox configuration.

    • Other options of Log upload will only be displayed when it has been set

    Tip:The user can set the sending mailbox in [System]-->[Mailbox].


    4)Setting attachment Size

    • The attachment size of different mailboxes has different limits. If the attachment size exceeds the limit, the system prompts sending failure. Therefore, you need to set the attachment size.

    • A message contains only one attachment (a month's log file), and if the attachment size exceeds the limit, it will be sent in multiple messages.

    • The default attachment size is 30MB. The manual attachment size cannot be smaller than 5MB.

    5)Transmission Test

    • When the mailbox is not configured, the system prompts "The information receiving mailbox needs to be configured" and the mail test is prohibited.

    • If the sending mailbox has been configured, the system will pop up a confirmation window, and the user will send the email after confirming.

    • If the email is sent successfully, the interface prompts success, and if the email fails, it prompts the sending failure, and displays the failure processing method.


    6)Log Upload

    Log upload supports two methods:manual upload and automatic upload.

    • Manual upload:select the month of the log file that needs to generate the report, and click [One-click upload].

    • Automatic upload:You need to check [Automatic upload on the 1st day of every month]. After enabling automatic upload, the log files of the complete month of the current month will be automatically uploaded on the 1st of the next month. The historical month will not be uploaded. If you need to upload the historical log, please use One-click upload.

    Tips:If the log upload fails, or the analysis report is not received within 24 hours of the log upload, you can click to download the log and contact the technical support ( .

    7)Email Reminder

    If [Not set] is displayed, click [Edit] and enter the email address for receiving the report.

    8)Check the report

    The analysis report will be sent to the set mailbox in the form of email, click [Report Link] to view it.


    Attachment List

    Theme: Decision-making Platform
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