Designer Overview

  • Last update:April 14, 2023
  • I. Run FineReport Designer

    1. Run FineReport Designer 

    Run FineReport Designerby double clicking its desktop shortcut.

    2. FineReport Designer interface may be divided into four sections:

    ① Navigation bar and toolbar on the top

    ② File&Data management pane on the left hand side

    ③ Report Body in the middle

    ④ The Attribute pane on the right hand side

    3. Components and functions of the navigation bar and the toolbar

    ① Project information, including FineReport Designer version, report project directory, and current template.

    ② Menu bar. It contains menu categories such as File, Template, Insert, Cell, Server and Help.

    ③ Preview button. When you click the button, a browser-navigation event will be triggered, and a default browser window will open to display the report.

    ④ Formatting toolbar. You can use the toolbar to set text style and cell style and merge and split cells.

    ⑤ Shortcut buttons. You can use such shortcut buttons to quickly insert cell elements and cell suspension elements.

    ⑥ Log information. When you click on it, a log window will pop up.

    ⑦ Intelligent Assistant. You can use it to quickly search any report you want to view.

    4. Components and functions of the Management pane on the left hand side and the Attribute pane on the right hand side

    The two panes are divided into three functional sections:

    ① Template files on the upper left. In this section, you can show, delete and rename all report templates to manage template file versions.

    ② Data connection and dataset management on the lower left. In this section, you can connect to enterprise database to fetch data from the database.

    ③ Attribute setting on the right. In this section, you can set the attributes of various report elements, including cells, widgets and hyperlinks.

    Note1:You can drag this button to change the width of the left pane.

    Note2:You can hold and drag this buttonto change the width of the right pane.

    5. Components and functions of the Report Body in the middle

    ① Parameter pane. In the Preview mode, the parameter pane will be displayed at the top of the report body, in which users can query data (for data filtration).

    ② Report body. The rectangles in the report body are similar to Excel cells. Data are not directly displayed in cells, which can only be viewed in the Preview mode.

    ③ Sheet management. FineReport sheets are similar to Excel sheets in terms of allowing creating multiple sheets in one report.

    ④ Scale. Scale up and down the report body as needed.

    II. Change DPI compatibility

    1. Applicable scenario

    The DPI of a computer monitor determines how many pixels per unit of area are required for good-quality displays (i.e. number of pixels per unit of area). If the report developer uses a computer monitor with high DPI while keeps FineReport Designer’s DPI unchanged, texts displayed on FineReport Designer will be smaller, because FineReport Designer has a fixed number of pixels, and there will be more pixels per unit of area in the high DPI monitor. Conversely, if the report developer uses a computer monitor with low DPI, texts displayed on FineReport Designer will be larger. In either case, the report developer will have negative experience. Thus, it is necessary to configure some settings to make DPI of FineReport Designer compatible with that of computer monitor.

    2. Enter FineReport Designer Properties pane

    Close FineReport Designer, right click its shortcut icon, and select Properties.

    3. Configure compatibility settings in the DPI setting interface

    1) SelectCompatibilityand click Change high DPI settings.

    2) Check Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:and click System in the drop-down box.

    4. Rerun FineReport Designer to browse the effect.

    III. Thai garbled problem

    1. Applicable scenario

    Because OpenJDK adopted does not support the display of Thai, Thai typed in the report or on GUI will be displayed as squares.

    If you want to display Thai normally, you can substitute several files after installation, according to following instructions.

    2. Substitute the jre folder of FineReport

    1) Enter % JAVA_HOME% under the JDK installation directory on your machine. Copy this entire jre folder.

    Note1:% JAVA_HOME% is the root directory where you have installed JDK on your own machine.

    Note2:If you haven't installed, you can install JDK from Oracle official website; or contact our technical support for the files needed.

    2) Enter %FineReport_HOME%  which is the FineReport installation directory on your machine. Delete the original jre folder, and paste the folder you just copied.

    3) If you are using FineReport deployed on a server, Enter %TOMCAT_HOME% which is the tomcat installation directory, and do above operations.

    Note:If there is no existing jre folder in %TOMCAT_HOME%, you can directly paste into it.

    3. Substitute the tools.jar of FineReport

    1) Enter % JAVA_HOME% \ jdk \ lib under the JDK installation directory on your machine. Copy this entire tools.jar file.

    Note1:% JAVA_HOME% is the root directory where you have installed JDK on your own machine.

    Note2:If you haven't installed, you can install JDK from Oracle official website; or contact our technical support for the files needed.

    2) Enter %FineReport_HOME% \ jre \ lib folder mentioned in section III-2 Substitute the jre folder of FineReport. And paste the tools.jar you just copied.

    3) If you are using FineReport deployed on a server, Enter %TOMCAT_HOME% \ jre \ lib which is the tomcat installation directory, and paste the tools.jar you just copied.

    4. Rerun FineReport Designer to browse the effect.

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