FVS Dashboard Edit Mode Introduction

  • Last update:September 22, 2022
  • I. Overview

    1. Version

    Report server versionJAR packageFVS large screen editing mode (beta version) version

    2. Function introduction

    FVS is a product specially created for large-screen visualization scenarios. It focuses on large-screen scenarios and meets the needs of customers in large-screen scenarios with more convenient and professional products.

    FVS is a part of the FineReport product system, developed based on the FineReport designer, deployed on the FineReport decision-making platform, and delivered as a FineReport plugin.

    FVS applies B/S-side technology, allowing large-screen development to have both the convenience and high efficiency of B/S-side development and the security and stability of C/S-side development.

    This article will briefly introduce the production advantages and functional highlights of FVS large screen templates.

    3. Public beta authorization instructions

    The plugin is currently in public beta and can be used for free.

    Although the plugin is free to use, the plugin still needs to be authorized, otherwise, when using the plugin, the prompt "Trying function - fvs large screen editor" will appear in the lower right corner of the component. Users can contact technical support to obtain a temporary authorization file.

    If you encounter any needs & bugs during use, please give feedback through the community. The product manager will verify your requirement/bug as soon as possible and issue a reward. 

    II. 3D components at your fingertips

    1. One-click generation of 3D city

    Through the "3D city" component in the FVS large screen, you can generate a 3D model in the product by importing the city's architectural map data with one click. As shown below:


    2. One-click import of custom models

    The "3D City" component supports user-defined import of model files, data labels and interactive effects can be set in the product, and scenarios such as smart parks and workshop monitoring are also within reach.

    III. The pagination design is innovative

    1. Multi-page story screen

    When one page cannot accommodate all the large screen content, and multiple sub-theme templates need to be made, the workload is prohibitive for many users.

    The FVS large screen template supports creating multiple pages in one template, and the content between pages can be quickly reused.


    2. Pages smooth transition

    When switching between two template pages, the moment of loading is always slightly awkward.

    The FVS large screen template supports setting a "smooth transition" effect between two pages. The same background image does not need to be reloaded, and the same components do not need to be reloaded, but switched in the form of shape change or fading, allowing the carousel to rotate. The switching experience is smoother.

    1. What you see is what you get

    FVS large screen editing mode is a development mode based on B/S-side technology. It has dozens of built-in chart types and styles suitable for large screens. You don’t need to set data, just drag and drop components to draw a large screen blueprint.


    The large FVS screen reflects the true "what you see is what you get" editing, and any detail adjustments are displayed in the editor in real time, without frequent saving and previewing.


    It supports dragging, copying and pasting of multiple components in groups, one-click alignment and component level adjustment. Large screen templates with a large number of components are also instantly simplified.


    IV. Template production saves worry and effort

    2. Adaptive effect

    FVS large screen template supports 4 adaptive modes: automatic, full width, full height and none, to fully meet the needs of multi-screen adaptation.

    Automatic:                                                            Full height:


    Full width:                                                             No adaptive:


    3. Built-in material

    FVS large screen template has built-in a series of icons, backgrounds, decorative lines, decorative graphics, borders and other materials, making UI design easy.


    The FVS large screen template supports dots and nine images to fill the image to ensure that the image is not deformed and solves the problem of unusable materials.


    4. Multiple component types

    FVS large screen template supports five types of components: 3D components, charts, text, media, and containers.

    • All FR base and extended charts are built in, and all charts' existing functionality is preserved.

    • Built-in title, rich text, image and cpt table components, each perform its own role.

    • Built-in real-time 3D model import, real-time monitoring video and other commonly used specific functions on large screens.

    • Built-in web box, rich text and carousel components to meet the general functions of the template.


    Attachment List

    Theme: FineVis Data Visualization
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