Java で帳票を印刷

  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:15次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-04-26
  • I. Description

    The Java background defines the function of timing printing, and at the same time, when you need to directly call the printing of the report, due to the different printer model and paper, you need to specify the printer to determine whether the printing is successful and set the return value. The implementation process is described in detail below.

    II. Principle

    1. Define report operating environment

    // First, you need to define the execution environment, so that the database information can be read correctly
            // Define the report running environment for the execution of the report
            Module module = ActivatorToolBox.simpleLink(new BaseDBActivator(),
                    new ConfigurationActivator(),
                    new StateServerActivator(),
                    new ReportBaseActivator(),
                    new RestrictionActivator(),
                    new ReportActivator());
            String envpath;//Project path
            envpath = "//Applications//FineReport10_325//webapps//webroot//WEB-INF";

    Note: The project path is modified according to the actual situation

    2. Define execution template workbook

    TemplateWorkBook workbook = TemplateWorkBookIO.readTemplateWorkBook("GettingStartedEN.cpt");

    3. Get report parameters and set values

    // parameters pass value
    Parameter[] parameters = workbook.getParameters();
    HashMap<String, String> paraMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    paraMap.put(parameters[0].getName(), "North China");

    4. Call the report printing method in Java and judge

    Use the formula PrintUtils.printWorkBook(cptPath) to print, and no print window will pop up at this time.

    To display the print option dialog box, use PrintUtils.printWorkBook(cptPath, true), where the parameter true is to display the print option dialog box, as shown below:

    // Call the report printing method in Java
    boolean a = PrintUtils.printWorkBook("GettingStartedEN.cpt", paraMap, true);
    if (!a) {
          System.out.println("Failed! return" + a);
    } else {
          System.out.println("Success! return" + a);

    The return value of printWorkBook() is boolean, and the return value true (printing success) and false (printing failure) can be used to determine whether the printing is successful.

    III. Complete code

    Note: The project path is modified according to the actual situation

    import java.util.HashMap;
    public class JavaPrint {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // First, you need to define the execution environment, so that the database information can be read correctly
           // Define the report running environment for the execution of the report
            Module module = ActivatorToolBox.simpleLink(new BaseDBActivator(),
                    new ConfigurationActivator(),
                    new StateServiceActivator(),
                    new ReportBaseActivator(),
                    new RestrictionActivator(),
                    new ReportActivator());
            String envpath;//Project path
            envpath = "//Applications//FineReport10_325//webapps//webroot//WEB-INF";
            try {
                TemplateWorkBook workbook = TemplateWorkBookIO.readTemplateWorkBook("GettingStarted.cpt");
                // parameters pass value
                Parameter[] parameters = workbook.getParameters();
                HashMap<String, String> paraMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                paraMap.put(parameters[0].getName(), "华北");
                // Call the report printing method in Java
                boolean a = PrintUtils.printWorkBook("GettingStarted.cpt", paraMap, true);
                if (!a) {
                    System.out.println("Failed! return" + a);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Success! return" + a);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {

    Compile and print.

    Compile the program, pop up the printer setting window, select the printer to print, and return the result in the background: Success! Returns true.

    IV. Mobile

    The mobile terminal does not support various printing and exporting methods

    Attachment List

    Theme: FineReport 帳票実例
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