
  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:14次
  • 最終更新:ayuan0625 于 2020-11-27
  • I. Description

    1) FineReport Designer enables exporting a report as an Excel, Word or PDF file to meet customers’ usage requirements.

    2) Apart from the default export function, users can set export attributes of corresponding export modes in [Template] - [Export Attributes] to enable more diverse functions.

    II. Excel export attribute

    1. Create a new report

    1) Create a new dataset [ds1] by inputting the following SQL statement: 

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume

    2) Input Region, Sales Person, Product Type, Product and Sales Volume in the cell range B1:F1, and adjust cell format.

    3) Drag all data columns in ds1 into the cell range B2:F2 and adjust cell format.

    4) Preview the report in Pagination Preview mode to check the effect.

    2. Export a hidden row

    1) Select the first row, right-click it and select [Hide] to hide the row. Click Pagination Preview to check the effect. The first row is not displayed. Click [Export] - [Excel] - [Full Page Export].

    2) Open the exported xlsx file and you can that the hidden row in the designer is not displayed in the xlsx file.

    3) Click [Template] - [Export Attributes] and check [Export Hidden Row]. Click Pagination Preview to check the effect. The first row is still not displayed. Click Export - Excel - Full Page Export.

    4) Open the exported xlsx file and you can see that the hidden row in the designer is by default not displayed in the xlsx file, but is displayed after dragging to increase the row height.

    3. Export a hidden column

    1) Drag [Sales_Volume] in the dataset [d1] into G2 and adjust cell format. Select Column G and click [Hide] to hide it.

    2) Click Pagination Preview to view the report. Data in Column G is not displayed. Click [Template] - [Export Attributes] and check [Export Hidden Column].

    3) Click Pagination Preview to check the effect. Column G is still not displayed. Click [Export] - [Excel] - [Full Page Export].

    4) Open the exported xlsx file and you can see that the hidden column in the designer is by default not displayed in the xlsx file, but is displayed after dragging to increase the column width.

    4. Password for opening an Excel file – install a plugin

    1) Sometimes an exported Excel file is not expected to be visible to all, and FineReport enables setting a password for an Excel file when exporting it.

    2) An Excel file is exported in xlsx format by default. At present, FineReport only supports passwords in xls format for exported Excel files, so the default Excel export settings do not take effect. This can be solved by installing the plugin [Excel Export Mode Selection Widget]. Please contact Technical Support for the plugin installation package (support@fanruan.com).

    3) If you want to learn how to install the plugin, please visit http://doc.fanruan.com/display/VHD/Install+Plugins+Manually.

    4) After the plugin is installed, click [Template] - [Web Attributes] - [Pagination Preview] and you can see that export as an xls file can be selected. Change to [Individually set for the template] and add [Excel03 Export] to the toolbar.

    5. Password for opening an Excel file – set a password

    1) Click [Template] - [Export Attributes] and check [Need Password]. Then, a textbox will appear. Input the password set for the exported Excel file in the textbox.

    2) Click Pagination Preview and export the report as an xls file.

    3) Open the exported Excel file and you have to enter the password to view the file.

    6. Password for editing an Excel file

    1) Sometimes you wish that an Excel file can only be viewed but cannot be edited. When exporting an Excel file, FineReport enables setting a password for edition, so that no one can edit the Excel file before he/she enter the correct password.

    2) Click [Template] - [Export Attributes] and check [Protected Password]. In the pop-up textbox, type the password set for the exported Excel file in the textbox.

    3) Click Pagination Preview and export the report as an xls file. Open the exported Excel file and when clicking a cell to edit it, a prompt message indicating that the cell cannot be modified will pop up.

    4) Click Review>Unprotect Sheet in the Excel file, enter the set password and then the cell can be modified.

    III. PDF export attributes

    1. Password for exporting a PDF file

    1) Sometimes an exported PDF file is not expected to be visible to all, and FineReport enables password setting when a report is exported as a PDF file.

    2) Click [Template] - [Export Attributes] - [PDF] and check [Need Password]. Then a textbox will appear and input the password set for the exported PDF file in the textbox.

    3) Click Pagination Preview and export the report as a PDF file.

    4) Open the exported PDF file and you cannot view it unless you enter the correct password.

    IV. Word export attributes

    1. Modify the row height – method 1

    1) After a Word file is exported using FineReport default settings, the fixed row height between cells disables the row height to be automatically adjusted in the case of a line feed when users re-edit the exported results.

    2) Click Pagination Preview to check the effect. Export the report as a Word file.

    3) Modify the content of the Word file and the row height is found to be fixed.

    2. Modify the row height – method 2

    1) Click [Template] - [Export Attributes] and check [Word Auto Adjust]. Then, users can modify the row height when re-editing the Word file.

    2) Click Pagination Preview to check the effect. Export the report as a Word file.

    3) Modify the content of the Word file and the row height is found to be adaptable.

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