JS ダッシュボード自動クエリ

  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:15次
  • 最終更新:ayuan0625 于 2020-12-16
  • I. Overview

    1.1 Requirement

    In a decision-making report, we expect the report body to automatically inquire and display the filtered results without clicking the query button after selecting a parameter in the parameter pane.

    1.2 Solution

    You can add a JS script in the template:


    II. Steps

    2.1 Create a new decision-making report

    Create a new decision-making report and drag a parameter pane and report block into the decision-making report.

    2.2 Data configuration

    Add dataset [ds1] by inputting the SQL statement: 

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE Region='${Region}'


    2.3 Add a parameter pane

    Drag the parameter pane into the report body, select the parameter pane and click Add All at the upper right corner. The parameter Region just generated will be added to the parameter pane.



    Widgets in the body of the decision-making report cannot use the JS automatic query and must be in the parameter pane.


    2.4 Set parameter widgets

    1) Set the widget type of the parameter Region as Drop-down Box, widget name as Region; select data dictionary as Database Table, DB as FRDemoEN, database table as Sales_Volume and the column names of Actual Value and Display Value both as Region, as shown below:

    2) Click the drop-down box of the parameter Region, select the event pane at the bottom of the Widget Setting pane and click Add an After Editing event, as shown below:


    Input the JS code:



    JS should be added to an Edit End event on a mobile terminal.

    2.5 Add a report block

    Drag the report block into the report body, with the report block designed as follows:


    III. Preview

    Save the templates and select [Dashboard Preview]. The preview effect is as shown below:

    IV. Download the template

    Attachment List

    Theme: FineReport カスタム開発
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